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There are 20 words containing B, 2E, R, 2S, T and W

BESTREWSbestrews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bestrew.
BESTREW v. to strew, scatter.
WEBSTERSwebsters n. Plural of webster.
Websters prop.n. Plural of Webster.
WEBSTER n. (obsolete) a weaver, also WABSTER.
BESTOWERSbestowers n. Plural of bestower.
BESTOWER n. one who bestows.
BREWSTERSbrewsters n. Plural of brewster.
BREWSTER n. (Scots) a brewer, also BREWER.
WATERBUSESwaterbuses n. Plural of waterbus.
water␣buses n. Plural of water bus.
WATERBUS n. a large motorboat for carrying passengers.
WEBCASTERSwebcasters n. Plural of webcaster.
WEBCASTER n. one who broadcasts over the Internet.
WEBMASTERSwebmasters n. Plural of webmaster.
Webmasters n. Plural of Webmaster.
WEBMASTER n. a person responsible for the maintenance of a website.
BREWMASTERSbrewmasters n. Plural of brewmaster.
BREWMASTER n. the supervisor of the brewing in a brewery.
SWEETBREADSsweetbreads n. Plural of sweetbread.
sweet␣breads n. Plural of sweet bread.
SWEETBREAD n. the thymus gland of a young animal.
SWEETBRIARSsweetbriars n. Plural of sweetbriar.
SWEETBRIAR n. a wild rose with fragrant foliage, also SWEETBRIER.
SWEETBRIERSsweetbriers n. Plural of sweetbrier.
SWEETBRIER n. a wild rose with fragrant foliage, also SWEETBRIAR.
WATERBUSSESWATERBUS n. a large motorboat for carrying passengers.
BITTERSWEETSbittersweets n. Plural of bittersweet.
BITTERSWEET n. the woody nightshade, whose stems when chewed taste first bitter, then sweet.
STRAWBERRIESstrawberries n. Plural of strawberry.
STRAWBERRY n. the fruit of any species of the rosaceous genus Fragaria.
WALDSTERBENSWALDSTERBEN n. (German) disease and death in forest trees and vegetation as a result of atmospheric pollution.
BASKETWEAVERSbasketweavers n. Plural of basketweaver.
BASKETWEAVER n. one who weaves baskets.
ANSWERABILITIESanswerabilities n. Plural of answerability.
ANSWERABILITY n. the quality of being answerable.
BITTERSWEETNESSbittersweetness n. The state or condition of being bittersweet.
BITTERSWEETNESS n. the state of being bittersweet.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
WARRANTABLENESSwarrantableness n. The quality of being warrantable.
WARRANTABLENESS n. the state of being warrantable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 359 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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