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There are 17 words containing B, 2E, 2N, O and 2T

BENTONITEbentonite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several impure clay minerals consisting mostly of montmorillonite.
bentonite n. A porous clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash that swells 5 to 6 times its original volume…
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BENTONITESbentonites n. Plural of bentonite.
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BOTTLENECKINGbottlenecking v. Present participle of bottleneck.
BOTTLENECK v. to slow down or impede by creating an obstruction.
CONTABESCENTcontabescent adj. Wasting away gradually.
CONTABESCENT adj. wasting away; atrophied.
ENTOMBMENTentombment n. The act of entombing or the state of being entombed.
entombment n. The decommissioning of a radioactive site by encasing it in concrete.
ENTOMBMENT n. the act of entombing.
ENTOMBMENTSentombments n. Plural of entombment.
ENTOMBMENT n. the act of entombing.
ETHNOBOTANIESethnobotanies n. Plural of ethnobotany.
ETHNOBOTANY n. the plant lore of indigenous cultures.
INCONTESTABLEincontestable adj. Not contestable; indisputable; certain.
INCONTESTABLE adj. not contestable.
OBSTINATENESSobstinateness n. The characteristic of being obstinate.
OBSTINATE n. stubborn.
OBSTINATENESSESobstinatenesses n. Plural of obstinateness.
PENTOBARBITONEpentobarbitone n. Pentobarbital (sodium salt).
PENTOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug, with hypnotic, sedative, and anticonvulsant effects.
PENTOBARBITONESpentobarbitones n. Plural of pentobarbitone.
PENTOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug, with hypnotic, sedative, and anticonvulsant effects.
SUBINTELLECTIONSUBINTELLECTION n. an implication that is understood without necessarily being stated, also SUBINTELLIGENCE.
TRINITROBENZENEtrinitrobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of benzene containing three nitro groups, but especially the explosive…
TRINITROBENZENE n. a benzene compound.
UNBEGOTTENunbegotten adj. Not begotten.
UNBEGET v. to undo the begetting of.
UNCONTESTABLEuncontestable adj. Not contestable.
UNCONTESTABLE adj. not contestable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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