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There are 18 words containing B, 2E, I, S, 2T and Y

TEBIBYTEStebibytes n. Plural of tebibyte.
TEBIBYTE n. two to the power of forty bytes.
YTTERBITESYTTERBITE n. the mineral gadolinite.
TENEBROSITYtenebrosity n. The state or quality of being tenebrose or tenebrous.
TENEBROSITY n. darkness.
BATHYMETRIESbathymetries n. Plural of bathymetry.
BATHYMETRY n. the art or science of sounding, or measuring depths in the sea.
BITTERSWEETLYbittersweetly adv. In a bittersweet manner.
BITTERSWEET adv. part bitter, part sweet.
CYBERNETICISTcyberneticist n. Someone who studies cybernetics.
CYBERNETICIST n. a student of cybernetics.
DETESTABILITYdetestability n. The state or quality of being detestable.
DETESTABILITY n. the quality of being detestable.
EXTENSIBILITYextensibility n. The capability of being extended.
extensibility n. (Computing) A quality of design that takes possible future advances into consideration and attempts…
EXTENSIBILITY n. the state of being extensible.
RESECTABILITYresectability n. (Surgery) A measure of the expected benefits of a resection.
RESECTABILITY n. the state of being resectable.
CYBERATHLETICScyberathletics n. Synonym of e-sports.
CYBERATHLETICS n. electronic sports.
CYBERNETICISTScyberneticists n. Plural of cyberneticist.
CYBERNETICIST n. a student of cybernetics.
CYBERTERRORISTcyberterrorist n. A person who carries out cyberterrorism.
CYBERTERRORIST n. a terrorist who attacks computer networks.
HEBETUDINOSITYhebetudinosity n. The quality of being hebetudinous.
HEBETUDINOSITY n. the state of being hebetudinous, dull or lethargic.
PRESENTABILITYpresentability n. The quality of being presentable; acceptable appearance.
PRESENTABILITY n. the state of being presentable.
RESPECTABILITYrespectability n. The quality of being respectable.
respectability n. The class of respectable people.
RESPECTABILITY n. the state of being respectable.
BUTTERFLYFISHESbutterflyfishes n. Plural of butterflyfish.
butterfly␣fishes n. Plural of butterfly fish.
BUTTERFLYFISH n. any tropical marine percoid fish of the genera Chaetodon, Chelmon, etc., that has a deep flattened brightly coloured or strikingly marked body.
CYBERTERRORISTScyberterrorists n. Plural of cyberterrorist.
CYBERTERRORIST n. a terrorist who attacks computer networks.
INEXTENSIBILITYinextensibility n. The condition of being inextensible.
INEXTENSIBILITY n. the state of being inextensible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 413 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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