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There are 19 words containing B, 2E, I, O, P, S and U

EBULLIOSCOPEebullioscope n. (Physics) An instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids.
EBULLIOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids.
SUBPOTENCIESsubpotencies n. Plural of subpotency.
SUBPOTENCY n. the state (in a drug) of being subpotent, having less than normal potency.
EBULLIOSCOPESebullioscopes n. Plural of ebullioscope.
EBULLIOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids.
POSTPUBERTIESPOSTPUBERTY n. the period after puberty.
REPRODUCIBLESreproducibles n. Plural of reproducible.
REPRODUCIBLE n. something that can be reproduced.
SUBPRIORESSESsubprioresses n. Plural of subprioress.
SUBPRIORESS n. an assistant prioress.
BUPRENORPHINESBUPRENORPHINE n. an opiate used medicinally as a powerful analgesic.
BUSINESSPEOPLEbusinesspeople n. Plural of businessperson.
BUSINESSPEOPLE n. persons active in business.
BUSINESSPERSONbusinessperson n. A person in business, or one who works at a commercial institution.
BUSINESSPERSON n. a businessman or businesswoman.
COMPUTERISABLEcomputerisable adj. Alternative form of computerizable.
COMPUTERISABLE adj. that can be computerised, also COMPUTERIZABLE.
EBULLIOSCOPIESEBULLIOSCOPY n. measurement by use of an ebullioscope.
EUPHORBIACEOUSeuphorbiaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae of spurges.
EUPHORBIACEOUS adj. belonging to the euphorbia family.
PERTURBATORIESPERTURBATORY n. something tending to perturb.
POLYBUTADIENESpolybutadienes n. Plural of polybutadiene.
POLYBUTADIENE n. a synthetic rubber that has a high resistance to wear and is used esp. in the manufacture of tires.
PROTUBERANCIESprotuberancies n. Plural of protuberancy.
PROTUBERANCY n. a swelling or bump on the surface, also PROTUBERANCE.
SUPERIMPOSABLEsuperimposable adj. Able to be superimposed.
SUPERIMPOSABLE adj. capable of being superimposed.
BUMPTIOUSNESSESbumptiousnesses n. Plural of bumptiousness.
BUMPTIOUSNESS n. the state of being bumptious.
BUSINESSPERSONSbusinesspersons n. Plural of businessperson.
BUSINESSPERSON n. a businessman or businesswoman.
CORRUPTIBLENESScorruptibleness n. The state or quality of being corruptible.
CORRUPTIBLE n. that can be corrupted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 651 words
  • Scrabble in French: 79 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 56 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 42 words

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