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There are 18 words containing B, 2E, I, M and 3R

CEREBRIFORMcerebriform adj. Resembling the outer surface of the brain.
CEREBRIFORM adj. shaped like the brain.
CYBERTERRORISMcyberterrorism n. (Computing) The deliberate, large-scale disruption of networks of computers, especially of computers…
cyber-terrorism n. Alternative spelling of cyberterrorism.
cyber␣terrorism n. Alternative spelling of cyberterrorism.
CYBERTERRORISMSCYBERTERRORISM n. computer-related terrorism.
EMBROIDERERembroiderer n. A person who embroiders.
EMBROIDERER n. one who embroiders, also BROIDERER.
EMBROIDERERSembroiderers n. Plural of embroiderer.
EMBROIDERER n. one who embroiders, also BROIDERER.
IRREFORMABLEirreformable adj. That cannot be reformed.
IRREFORMABLE adj. incapable of being reformed.
MARIONBERRIESmarionberries n. Plural of marionberry.
MARIONBERRY n. a hybrid fruit, a cross between a loganberry and a wild blackberry.
MARSHBERRIESmarshberries n. Plural of marshberry.
MICROBREWERmicrobrewer n. The person or company that operates a microbrewery.
MICROBREWER n. a brewer who works in a microbrewery.
MICROBREWERIESmicrobreweries n. Plural of microbrewery.
micro-breweries n. Plural of micro-brewery.
MICROBREWERY n. a small brewery making specialty beer in limited quantities.
MICROBREWERSmicrobrewers n. Plural of microbrewer.
MICROBREWER n. a brewer who works in a microbrewery.
MICROBREWERYmicrobrewery n. A small commercial brewery, often one serving a single pub at which it is physically located; in the…
micro-brewery n. Alternative form of microbrewery.
MICROBREWERY n. a small brewery making specialty beer in limited quantities.
REEMBROIDERreembroider v. (Transitive) To embroider again.
re-embroider v. Alternative form of reembroider.
REEMBROIDER v. to outline a design, as on lace, with embroidery stitching.
REEMBROIDEREDreembroidered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reembroider.
re-embroidered v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-embroider.
REEMBROIDER v. to outline a design, as on lace, with embroidery stitching.
REEMBROIDERINGreembroidering v. Present participle of reembroider.
re-embroidering v. Present participle of re-embroider.
REEMBROIDER v. to outline a design, as on lace, with embroidery stitching.
REEMBROIDERSreembroiders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reembroider.
re-embroiders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of re-embroider.
REEMBROIDER v. to outline a design, as on lace, with embroidery stitching.
REIMBURSERreimburser n. One who reimburses.
REIMBURSER n. one who reimburses.
REIMBURSERSreimbursers n. Plural of reimburser.
REIMBURSER n. one who reimburses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 283 words
  • Scrabble in French: 115 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 251 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 641 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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