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There are 17 words containing B, 2E, I, L, N, R and W

ANSWERABILITIESanswerabilities n. Plural of answerability.
ANSWERABILITY n. the quality of being answerable.
BEFLOWERINGbeflowering v. Present participle of beflower.
BEFLOWER v. to cover with flowers.
BEWILDEREDNESSbewilderedness n. The state or quality of being bewildered.
BEWILDEREDNESS n. the state of being bewildered.
BEWILDERINGbewildering adj. Very baffling, confusing, or perplexing, often due to a very large choice being available.
bewildering n. Gerund of bewilder: bewilderment.
bewildering v. Present participle of bewilder.
BEWILDERINGLYbewilderingly adv. In a bewildering manner, or to a bewildering extent.
BEWILDERING adv. BEWILDER, to confuse.
BEWILDERMENTbewilderment n. The state of being bewildered.
bewilderment n. A confusing or perplexing situation.
BEWILDERMENT n. the state of being bewildered.
BEWILDERMENTSbewilderments n. Plural of bewilderment.
BEWILDERMENT n. the state of being bewildered.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
HEREINBELOWhereinbelow adv. Synonym of hereinunder.
HEREINBELOW adv. at a subsequent point in this writing or document.
REBELLOWINGrebellowing v. Present participle of rebellow.
REBELLOW v. (Spenser) to bellow in return.
RENEWABILITIESRENEWABILITY n. the state of being renewable.
RENEWABILITYrenewability n. The property of being renewable.
RENEWABILITY n. the state of being renewable.
UNBOWDLERIZEDunbowdlerized adj. Not bowdlerized.
UNBOWDLERIZED adj. not bowdlerized, also UNBOWDLERISED.
UNREVIEWABLEunreviewable adj. Not able to be reviewed, or not subject to review.
UNREVIEWABLE adj. not reviewable.
UNWEARIABLEunweariable adj. Tireless.
UNWEARIABLE adj. that cannot be wearied.
WHEELBARROWINGwheelbarrowing n. (Aviation) The loss of control caused by excessive forward pressure on the elevator control of an aeroplane…
WHEELBARROW v. to transport by wheelbarrow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 346 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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