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There are 18 words containing B, 2E, I, 3L and T

COLLECTIBLEcollectible adj. Worthy or suitable for collecting on historical/financial grounds, or for meeting a personal aesthetic.
collectible adj. Rightfully subject to payment.
collectible adj. That is likely to be paid.
EBULLIENTLYebulliently adv. In an ebullient manner.
EBULLIENT adv. bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement.
BIFLAGELLATEbiflagellate adj. (Biology) Having two flagella.
biflagellate n. Any organism that has two flagella.
BIFLAGELLATE adj. having two flagella.
COLLECTIBLEScollectibles n. Plural of collectible.
COLLECTIBLE n. something worth collecting, also COLLECTABLE.
INTELLIGIBLEintelligible adj. Capable of being understood; clear to the mind.
INTELLIGIBLE adj. apprehensible by the intellect only.
BELLIGERENTLYbelligerently adv. In a belligerent manner; with aggressive hostility.
BELLIGERENT adv. aggressive.
ULTRARELIABLEultrareliable adj. Extremely reliable.
ULTRARELIABLE adj. extremely reliable.
UNCOLLECTIBLEuncollectible adj. That cannot be collected.
uncollectible n. (Usually in the plural) Something, such as a bad debt, that cannot be collected.
UNCOLLECTIBLE adj. not collectible.
BELLETRISTICALbelletristical adj. Alternative form of belletristic.
BELLETRISTICAL adj. relating to belles-lettres, also BELLETRISTIC.
EMBLEMATICALLYemblematically adv. In an emblematic manner.
EMBLEMATICAL adv. of, relating to, or constituting an emblem, also EMBLEMATIC.
ILLEGIBILITIESillegibilities n. Plural of illegibility.
ILLEGIBILITY n. the state of being illegible.
ILLIBERALITIESilliberalities n. Plural of illiberality.
ILLIBERALITY n. the state of being illiberal.
MALLEABILITIESmalleabilities n. Plural of malleability.
MALLEABILITY n. the state of being malleable.
MULTIBARRELLEDmultibarrelled adj. Having more than one barrel.
MULTIBARRELLED adj. of a gun, having many barrels, also MULTIBARRELED.
UNCOLLECTIBLESuncollectibles n. Plural of uncollectible.
UNCOLLECTIBLES n. things that are not collectible.
UNINTELLIGIBLEunintelligible adj. Not intelligible; unable to be understood.
UNINTELLIGIBLE adj. not intelligible.
ILLIMITABLENESSillimitableness n. The quality of being illimitable; absence of limits.
ILLIMITABLE n. limitless, infinite.
RECALLABILITIESrecallabilities n. Plural of recallability.
RECALLABILITY n. the state of being recallable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 362 words
  • Scrabble in French: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 122 words

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