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There are 17 words containing B, 2E, H, M, N, O and R

BETROTHMENTbetrothment n. The act of betrothing, or the state of being betrothed.
BETROTHMENT n. the state of being betrothed.
BETROTHMENTSbetrothments n. Plural of betrothment.
BETROTHMENT n. the state of being betrothed.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
BURTHENSOMEburthensome adj. Obsolete spelling of burdensome.
BURTHENSOME adj. heavy, oppressive, also BURDENOUS, BURDENSOME.
COMPREHENDIBLEcomprehendible adj. (Rare) comprehensible, understandable; able to be comprehended.
COMPREHENDIBLE adj. that can be comprehended, also COMPREHENSIBLE.
COMPREHENSIBLEcomprehensible adj. Able to be comprehended.
COMPREHENSIBLE adj. capable of being comprehended, also COMPREHENDIBLE.
COMPREHENSIBLYcomprehensibly adv. In a comprehensible manner.
COMPREHENSIBLE adv. capable of being comprehended, also COMPREHENDIBLE.
NONMEMBERSHIPnonmembership n. Absence of membership; the state or condition of not being a member.
NONMEMBERSHIP n. the state of being a nonmember.
NONMEMBERSHIPSnonmemberships n. Plural of nonmembership.
NONMEMBERSHIP n. the state of being a nonmember.
RHOMBENCEPHALArhombencephala n. Plural of rhombencephalon.
RHOMBENCEPHALON n. the hindbrain.
RHOMBENCEPHALONrhombencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) The hindbrain.
RHOMBENCEPHALON n. the hindbrain.
THEOBROMINEtheobromine n. (Chemistry) An alkaloid, of similar structure to caffeine, found in chocolate and cocoa.
THEOBROMINE n. an alkaloid obtained from the chocolate seed, used in medicine.
THEOBROMINEStheobromines n. Plural of theobromine.
THEOBROMINE n. an alkaloid obtained from the chocolate seed, used in medicine.
THERMOBALANCEthermobalance n. An instrument that measures the change in weight of a sample while it is being heated.
THERMOBALANCE n. an analytical balance that measures weight changes when matter is heated.
THERMOBALANCESthermobalances n. Plural of thermobalance.
THERMOBALANCE n. an analytical balance that measures weight changes when matter is heated.
TRIBROMOMETHANEtribromomethane n. (Organic chemistry) bromoform.
TRIBROMOMETHANE n. another name for bromoform, a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
UNSMOTHERABLEunsmotherable adj. (Figurative) unquenchable.
UNSMOTHERABLE adj. that cannot be smothered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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