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There are 17 words containing B, 3E, 2N, O and V

BENEVOLENTbenevolent adj. Having a disposition to do good.
benevolent adj. Possessing or manifesting love for mankind.
benevolent adj. Altruistic, charitable, good, just and fair.
BENEVOLENCEbenevolence n. (Uncountable) Disposition to do good.
benevolence n. (Uncountable) Charitable kindness.
benevolence n. (Countable) An altruistic gift or act.
NONBELIEVERnonbeliever n. A person who does not believe, especially regarding religion.
non-believer n. Alternative spelling of nonbeliever.
NONBELIEVER n. one who does not believe.
BENEVOLENCESbenevolences n. Plural of benevolence.
BENEVOLENCE n. a disposition to do good.
BENEVOLENTLYbenevolently adv. In a benevolent manner.
BENEVOLENT adv. marked by or disposed to doing good.
NONBELIEVERSnonbelievers n. Plural of nonbeliever.
non-believers n. Plural of non-believer.
NONBELIEVER n. one who does not believe.
NONREVERSIBLEnonreversible adj. Not reversible; irreversible.
NONREVERSIBLE adj. not reversible.
BENEVOLENTNESSbenevolentness n. The state or quality of being benevolent.
BENEVOLENTNESS n. the state of being benevolent.
GOVERNABLENESSgovernableness n. The state of being governable.
GOVERNABLENESS n. the state of being governable.
NONRECOVERABLEnonrecoverable adj. Not recoverable; damaged or lost forever.
nonrecoverable adj. Having an investment that will not be recovered.
NONRECOVERABLE adj. that cannot be recovered.
NONREVERSIBLESSorry, definition not available.
OMNIBENEVOLENTomnibenevolent adj. All-loving, or infinitely good, usually in reference to a deity or supernatural being, for example, God.
OMNIBENEVOLENT adj. showing universal good will.
CONCEIVABLENESSconceivableness n. The state or quality of being conceivable.
CONCEIVABLE n. that can be conceived of.
CONVERSABLENESSconversableness n. The state or quality of being conversable.
CONVERSABLENESS n. the state of being conversable.
CONVERTIBLENESSconvertibleness n. The state of being convertible; convertibility.
CONVERTIBLENESS n. the state of being convertible.
OMNIBENEVOLENCEomnibenevolence n. The state or condition of being omnibenevolent.
OMNIBENEVOLENCE n. universal good will.
OVERBEARINGNESSoverbearingness n. Quality of being overbearing.
OVERBEARINGNESS n. the state of being overbearing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 202 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 66 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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