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There are 15 words containing B, 3E, M, P, R and T

IMPENETRABLEimpenetrable adj. Not penetrable.
impenetrable adj. (Figuratively) Incomprehensible; fathomless; inscrutable.
impenetrable adj. Opaque; obscure; not translucent or transparent.
IMPERCEPTIBLEimperceptible adj. Not perceptible, not detectable, too small in magnitude to be observed.
imperceptible adj. Beyond the purview of man; too great and all-encompassing to be perceived.
IMPERCEPTIBLE adj. not perceptible.
IMPERFECTIBLEimperfectible adj. Incapable of being made perfect.
IMPERFECTIBLE adj. not capable of being perfected.
OBTEMPERATEobtemperate v. (Obsolete) To obey or to conform to the prescribed rule or law.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
OBTEMPERATEDobtemperated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obtemperate.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
OBTEMPERATESobtemperates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obtemperate.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
OBTEMPEREDobtempered v. Simple past tense and past participle of obtemper.
OBTEMPER v. to yield obedience to, also OBTEMPERATE.
PERMEABILITIESpermeabilities n. Plural of permeability.
PERMEABILITY n. the capacity of material to transmit water or other fluids.
PERMUTABLENESSpermutableness n. Quality of being permutable.
PERMUTABLE n. that can be permuted.
PREDETERMINABLEpredeterminable adj. That can be predetermined.
PREDETERMINABLE adj. able to be predetermined.
REDEMPTIBLEredemptible adj. (Archaic) redeemable.
REDEMPTIBLE adj. that can be redeemed.
SUBTEMPERATEsubtemperate adj. Of or relating to the cooler parts of the temperate regions.
SUBTEMPERATE adj. of or occurring in the colder parts of the temperate zones.
TEMPERABILITIESTEMPERABILITY n. the quality of being temperable.
TEMPERABLEtemperable adj. Capable of being tempered.
TEMPERABLE adj. capable of being tempered.
UNPREMEDITABLEunpremeditable adj. That cannot be foreseen.
UNPREMEDITABLE adj. that cannot be premeditated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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