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There are 12 words containing B, 3E, 2I, O and T

BIOENERGETICbioenergetic adj. Of or pertaining to bioenergetics.
BIOENERGETIC adj. relating to bioenergetics.
BIOENERGETICSbioenergetics n. (Biology, physics) The study of the energy transformations that take place in living organisms.
bioenergetics n. A form of physical therapy according to which physical movements are a means of releasing emotional stress.
BIOENERGETICS n. the biology of energy transformations and energy exchanges (as in photosynthesis) within and between living things and their environments.
BIOTELEMETRICbiotelemetric adj. Relating to biotelemetry.
BIOTELEMETRIC adj. relating to biotelemetry.
BIOTELEMETRIESBIOTELEMETRY n. automatic transmission over a distance, for measurements of the condition, functions, etc., of a living creature, e.g. of an astronaut on space flight.
DINITROBENZENEdinitrobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) Any of three isomeric aromatic nitro compounds C6H4(NO2)2 formed by the nitration…
DINITROBENZENE n. any of three isomeric toxic compounds.
EBULLIOMETRIESEBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
FORESEEABILITYforeseeability n. The state or characteristic of being foreseeable; predictability.
FORESEEABILITY n. the state of being foreseeable.
NONCELEBRITIESnoncelebrities n. Plural of noncelebrity.
NONCELEBRITY n. one who is not a celebrity.
OBEDIENTIARIESobedientiaries n. Plural of obedientiary.
OBEDIENTIARY n. someone subject to obedience.
DINITROBENZENESdinitrobenzenes n. Plural of dinitrobenzene.
DINITROBENZENE n. any of three isomeric toxic compounds.
TRINITROBENZENEtrinitrobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of benzene containing three nitro groups, but especially the explosive…
TRINITROBENZENE n. a benzene compound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 515 words
  • Scrabble in French: 230 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 74 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 469 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 195 words

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