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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing B, 2E, 2R, 2S and U

BUREAUCRATESESBUREAUCRATESE n. the language of bureaucrats.
BUREAUCRATISESbureaucratises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bureaucratise.
BUREAUCRATISE v. to make bureaucratic, also BUREAUCRATIZE.
CYBERSQUATTERScybersquatters n. Plural of cybersquatter.
cyber␣squatters n. Plural of cyber squatter.
CYBERSQUATTER n. one who engages in cybersquatting.
IRRESUSCITABLEirresuscitable adj. Incapable of being resuscitated or revived.
IRRESUSCITABLE adj. not capable of being resuscitated.
OBSTREPEROUSLYobstreperously adv. In an obstreperous manner.
OVERSUBSCRIBEDoversubscribed adj. Having insufficient capacity to meet the demand of those who are interested.
oversubscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.
OVERSUBSCRIBESoversubscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.
REFURBISHMENTSrefurbishments n. Plural of refurbishment.
REFURBISHMENT n. the act of refurbishing.
REIMBURSEMENTSreimbursements n. Plural of reimbursement.
REIMBURSEMENT n. the act of reimbursing.
SCHLUMBERGERASschlumbergeras n. Plural of schlumbergera.
SCHLUMBERGERA n. Christmas cactus.
SUBARBORESCENTsubarborescent adj. Somewhat tree-like.
SUBARBORESCENT adj. partially arborescent.
SUBDIRECTORIESsubdirectories n. Plural of subdirectory.
SUBLITERATURESsubliteratures n. Plural of subliterature.
SUBLITERATURE n. popular writing (as mystery or adventure stories) considered inferior to standard literature.
SUBPREFECTURESsubprefectures n. Plural of subprefecture.
sub-prefectures n. Plural of sub-prefecture.
SUBPREFECTURE n. the office of subprefect.
SUBSECRETARIESsubsecretaries n. Plural of subsecretary.
SUBSECRETARY n. a subordinate secretary.
SUBTERRESTRIALsubterrestrial adj. Under the earth; subterranean.
subterrestrial n. One who lives under the earth.
SUBTERRESTRIAL adj. existing underground.
SUPERABSORBENTsuperabsorbent adj. Having the ability to absorb a great amount of fluid relative to its own mass.
superabsorbent n. Any superabsorbent substance.
SUPERABSORBENT n. an exceptionally absorbent substance.
SUPERMEMBRANESsupermembranes n. Plural of supermembrane.
SUPERMEMBRANE n. a type of membrane postulated in certain theories of elementary particles that involve supersymmetry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 118 words
  • Scrabble in French: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 130 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 19 words

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