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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing B, 3E, I, O, S and T

ABORTIVENESSESabortivenesses n. Plural of abortiveness.
ABORTIVENESS n. the state of being abortive.
BIOTELEMETRIESBIOTELEMETRY n. automatic transmission over a distance, for measurements of the condition, functions, etc., of a living creature, e.g. of an astronaut on space flight.
BLITHESOMENESSblithesomeness n. The quality of being blithesome.
BLITHESOMENESS n. the state of being blithesome.
COBELLIGERENTScobelligerents n. Plural of cobelligerent.
co-belligerents n. Plural of co-belligerent.
COBELLIGERENT n. a country fighting with another power against a common enemy.
DECEREBRATIONSdecerebrations n. Plural of decerebration.
DECEREBRATION n. the act of decerebrating.
DESOBLIGEANTESDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
DISEMBOGUEMENTdisemboguement n. The act of disemboguing; discharge.
DISEMBOGUEMENT n. the act of disemboguing.
DISEMBOWELMENTdisembowelment n. The act of disemboweling.
DISEMBOWELMENT n. the act of disembowelling.
EBULLIOMETRIESEBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
FORESEEABILITYforeseeability n. The state or characteristic of being foreseeable; predictability.
FORESEEABILITY n. the state of being foreseeable.
HETEROBLASTIESHETEROBLASTY n. the state of being heteroblastic.
INTEROBSERVERSSorry, definition not available.
NONCELEBRITIESnoncelebrities n. Plural of noncelebrity.
NONCELEBRITY n. one who is not a celebrity.
OBEDIENTIARIESobedientiaries n. Plural of obedientiary.
OBEDIENTIARY n. someone subject to obedience.
OVERSUBTLETIESoversubtleties n. Plural of oversubtlety.
OVERSUBTLETY n. an excess of subtlety.
REVERBERATIONSreverberations n. Plural of reverberation.
REVERBERATION n. an act of reverberating.
TENEBRIOUSNESSTENEBRIOUSNESS n. the state of being tenebrious, also TENEBROUSNESS.
WHORTLEBERRIESwhortleberries n. Plural of whortleberry.
WHORTLEBERRY n. a widely spread heath plant; its dark blue edible berry, also HURTLEBERRY, WHORT, WHORTLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 75 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 121 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 278 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 37 words

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