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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, N, O, R and 3S

BARBAROUSNESSbarbarousness n. The state or quality of being barbarous.
BARBAROUSNESS n. the state of being barbarous.
BOARISHNESSESBOARISHNESS n. the state of being boarish.
BOORISHNESSESboorishnesses n. Plural of boorishness.
BOORISHNESS n. the state of being boorish.
BRASSFOUNDERSbrassfounders n. Plural of brassfounder.
BRASSFOUNDER n. a person who casts objects in brass.
CROSSBENCHERScrossbenchers n. Plural of crossbencher.
cross-benchers n. Plural of cross-bencher.
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
FIBROUSNESSESFIBROUSNESS n. the state of being fibrous.
INCROSSBREEDSINCROSSBREED v. to produce by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds, also INCROSS.
LABOREDNESSESLABOREDNESS n. the state of being labored.
LABORIOUSNESSlaboriousness n. The condition of being laborious.
LABORIOUS n. full of labour.
OBSCURENESSESobscurenesses n. Plural of obscureness.
OBSCURENESS n. the state of being obscure.
OBTRUSIVENESSobtrusiveness n. The characteristic of being obtrusive.
OBTRUSIVE n. thrusting forward.
OMBUDSPERSONSombudspersons n. Plural of ombudsperson.
RESOLUBLENESSRESOLUBLENESS n. the state of being resoluble.
RESUBMISSIONSresubmissions n. Plural of resubmission.
RESUBMISSION n. the act of resubmitting.
SLUMBROUSNESSslumbrousness n. Alternative form of slumberousness.
SLUMBROUSNESS n. the state of being slumbrous, also SLUMBEROUSNESS.
SUBERISATIONSsuberisations n. Plural of suberisation.
SUBERISATION n. the deposition of suberin in the cell walls of cork, also SUBERIZATION.
SUBINSPECTORSsubinspectors n. Plural of subinspector.
sub-inspectors n. Plural of sub-inspector.
SUBINSPECTOR n. a subordinate inspector.
TENEBROUSNESStenebrousness n. The state or property of being tenebrous.
TENEBROUSNESS n. the state of being tenebrous, also TENEBRIOUSNESS.
TROUBLOUSNESStroublousness n. The quality of being troublous.
TROUBLOUSNESS n. the state of being troublous.
VERBOSENESSESVERBOSENESS n. the state of being verbose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 123 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 35 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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