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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, 2I, N, O, T and Y

ANTIOBSCENITYantiobscenity adj. (Law) Serving to counter obscenity.
ANTIOBSCENITY adj. opposed to obscenity.
BACTERIOLYSINbacteriolysin n. Any antibody that causes lysis of the cells of a bacterium.
BACTERIOLYSIN n. an antibody that destroys bacteria.
BISECTIONALLYbisectionally adv. By means of, or in terms of, bisection.
BISECTIONAL adv. relating to bisection.
DISOBEDIENTLYdisobediently adv. In a disobedient manner.
DISOBEDIENT adv. refusing or neglecting to obey.
ENDOSYMBIOTICendosymbiotic adj. Of or pertaining to endosymbiosis.
endosymbiotic adj. That lives within a body or cells of another organism. Forming an endosymbiosis.
ENDOSYMBIOTIC adj. of or pertaining to endosymbiosis; (of an organism) living in such a relationship.
GOVERNABILITYgovernability n. The ability to be governed.
GOVERNABILITY n. the quality of being governable.
INCONVERTIBLYinconvertibly adv. In an inconvertible manner.
INCONVERTIBLE adv. not convertible.
INDOLEBUTYRICINDOLEBUTYRIC adj. as in indolebutyric acid, a synthetic plant growth regulator.
INEXORABILITYinexorability n. The quality or state of being inexorable.
INEXORABILITY n. the state of being inexorable.
INOBTRUSIVELYinobtrusively adv. In an inobtrusive manner.
INOBTRUSIVE adv. not obtrusive, also UNOBTRUSIVE.
INOPERABILITYinoperability n. The quality or state of being inoperable.
INOPERABILITY n. the quality of being inoperable.
NEGOTIABILITYnegotiability n. The state of being negotiable.
NEGOTIABILITY n. the state of being negotiable.
NOTICEABILITYnoticeability n. The quality of being easy to see or notice.
NOTICEABILITY n. the quality of being noticeable.
OSTENSIBILITYostensibility n. The quality of being ostensible.
OSTENSIBILITY n. the state of being ostensible, intended for display.
PONDERABILITYponderability n. The fact of having a detectable weight or mass.
ponderability n. Amenability to consideration or thought.
PONDERABILITY n. the quality of being ponderable.
REASONABILITYreasonability n. The state or quality of being reasonable; reasonableness.
REASONABILITY n. the state of being reasonable.
SEASONABILITYseasonability n. The quality or state of being seasonable.
SEASONABILITY n. appropriateness to the season.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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