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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, 2E, 3I, N and S

AMENABILITIESamenabilities n. Plural of amenability.
AMENABILITY n. the state of being amenable.
BENEFICIARIESbeneficiaries n. Plural of beneficiary.
BENEFICIARY n. one that benefits from something.
BICONVEXITIESbiconvexities n. Plural of biconvexity.
BICONVEXITY n. the state of being biconvex.
BIMILLENARIESbimillenaries n. Plural of bimillenary.
BIMILLENARY n. a two thousandth anniversary.
BIOREFINERIESbiorefineries n. Plural of biorefinery.
DEFENSIBILITYdefensibility n. The state or quality of being defensible.
DEFENSIBILITY n. the quality of being defensible.
DENIABILITIESdeniabilities n. Plural of deniability.
DENIABILITY n. the ability to deny something esp. on the basis of being officially uninformed.
DIVISIBLENESSdivisibleness n. The quality of being divisible.
DIVISIBLE n. that can be divided, also DIVIDABLE.
EXHIBITIONERSexhibitioners n. Plural of exhibitioner.
EXHIBITIONER n. a university student who has been awarded an exhibition at a university.
EXTENSIBILITYextensibility n. The capability of being extended.
extensibility n. (Computing) A quality of design that takes possible future advances into consideration and attempts…
EXTENSIBILITY n. the state of being extensible.
INDIGESTIBLESindigestibles n. Plural of indigestible.
INDIGESTIBLE n. something not digestible.
INDISCERNIBLEindiscernible adj. Not capable of being discerned, of being perceived.
indiscernible adj. Not capable of being distinguished from something else.
indiscernible n. (Chiefly philosophy) Something which is incapable of being discerned.
INEDIBILITIESINEDIBILITY n. the state of being inedible.
INVISIBLENESSinvisibleness n. The state of being invisible; invisibility.
INVISIBLENESS n. the state of being invisible.
OPENABILITIESOPENABILITY n. the ability to be opened.
PLEBEIANISINGplebeianising v. Present participle of plebeianise.
PLEBEIANISE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANIZE.
RENTABILITIESrentabilities n. Plural of rentability.
RENTABILITY n. the ability to be rented.
SENSIBILITIESsensibilities n. Plural of sensibility.
SENSIBILITY n. the ability to receive sensations.
TENSIBILITIESTENSIBILITY n. the state of being tensible.
VENDIBILITIESvendibilities n. Plural of vendibility.
VENDIBILITY n. the state of being vendible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 50 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 83 words

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