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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, E, I, M, N, R, S and U

BARRAMUNDIESBARRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BURRAMUNDI.
BRIMFULLNESSBRIMFULLNESS n. the state of being brimfull, also BRIMFULNESS.
BURNISHMENTSburnishments n. Plural of burnishment.
BURNISHMENT n. the act of burnishing.
DISBURSEMENTdisbursement n. The act, instance, or process of disbursing.
disbursement n. Money paid out or spent.
DISBURSEMENT n. the act of disbursing.
DISCUMBERINGdiscumbering v. Present participle of discumber.
DISCUMBER v. (archaic) to free of encumbrance, also DISENCUMBER.
DISEMBURDENSdisemburdens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disemburden.
DISEMBURDEN v. to disburden.
DISENCUMBERSdisencumbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disencumber.
DISENCUMBER v. to free from encumbrance, also DISCUMBER.
DRUMBEATINGSdrumbeatings n. Plural of drumbeating.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
DUMBSTRICKENDUMBSTRICKEN adj. made silent by astonishment, also DUMBSTRUCK.
IMMENSURABLEimmensurable adj. Unmeasurable, immeasurable; not able to be measured, therefore connoting extremely large.
IMMENSURABLE adj. immeasurable.
INCUMBRANCESincumbrances n. Plural of incumbrance.
INCUMBRANCE n. something that encumbers, also ENCUMBRANCE.
MISNUMBERINGmisnumbering v. Present participle of misnumber.
misnumbering n. An incorrect numbering.
MISNUMBER v. to number wrongly.
RECUMBENCIESrecumbencies n. Plural of recumbency.
RECUMBENCY n. the state of being recumbent, also RECUMBENCE.
RESUBMISSIONresubmission n. The act or process of resubmitting; a second or subsequent submission.
RESUBMISSION n. the act of resubmitting.
RESUBMITTINGresubmitting v. Present participle of resubmit.
RESUBMIT v. to submit again.
SLUMBERINGLYslumberingly adv. While slumbering; in a state of sleep.
SLUMBERING adv. sleeping.
SUBMINIATUREsubminiature adj. Compact or smaller than miniature.
subminiature adj. (Photography) of photography equipment and techniques using a smaller frame than 35mm.
subminiature n. Any item smaller than that considered miniature, especially electronic and electromechanical devices.
SUBMINISTERSsubministers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subminister.
SUBMINISTER v. to supply, to administer.
UNSLUMBERINGunslumbering adj. Not slumbering; unsleeping.
UNSLUMBERING adj. not slumbering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 62 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 31 words

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