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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, E, 3I, 2L and T

ALIENABILITYalienability n. (Uncountable) The quality of being alienable.
alienability n. (Countable) An alienable transfer or sale.
ALIENABILITY n. the ability to be alienated.
BRILLIANTINEbrilliantine n. A hair pomade, making the hair shine brilliantly.
brilliantine n. A smooth shiny, luxurious fabric, often of alpaca or vicuña.
brilliantine v. To apply brilliantine to the hair.
ENSILABILITYENSILABILITY n. the capacity for being ensiled.
ILLEGIBILITYillegibility n. The characteristic or quality of being illegible; the quality of being difficult or impossible to read.
ILLEGIBILITY n. the state of being illegible.
ILLIBERALITYilliberality n. (Uncountable) The condition of being illiberal.
illiberality n. (Countable) An illiberal word or action.
ILLIBERALITY n. the state of being illiberal.
INDELIBILITYindelibility n. The property of being indelible.
INDELIBILITY n. the state of being indelible.
INTELLIGIBLEintelligible adj. Capable of being understood; clear to the mind.
INTELLIGIBLE adj. apprehensible by the intellect only.
INTELLIGIBLYintelligibly adv. In an intelligible manner.
INTELLIGIBLE adv. apprehensible by the intellect only.
LEGIBILITIESlegibilities n. Plural of legibility.
LEGIBILITY n. the quality of being legible, also LEGIBLENESS.
LIBERALISTICliberalistic adj. Of or pertaining to liberalism.
LIBERALISTIC adj. relating to liberalism.
LIBERALITIESliberalities n. Plural of liberality.
LIBERALITY n. the state of being liberal.
LIBERTICIDALliberticidal adj. That destroys liberty, liberticide.
LIBERTICIDAL adj. destructive of liberty.
LIKABILITIESlikabilities n. Plural of likability.
LIKABILITY n. the quality of being likable, also LIKEABILITY.
LIVABILITIESlivabilities n. Plural of livability.
LIVABILITY n. the quality of being livable, also LIVEABILITY.
LOVABILITIESlovabilities n. Plural of lovability.
LOVABILITY n. the state of being lovable, also LOVEABILITY.
PLIABILITIESpliabilities n. Plural of pliability.
PLIABILITY n. the state of being pliable.
SALABILITIESsalabilities n. Plural of salability.
SALABILITY n. the quality of being salable.
SOLUBILITIESsolubilities n. Plural of solubility.
SOLUBILITY n. the state of being soluble.
VOLUBILITIESvolubilities n. Plural of volubility.
VOLUBILITY n. the state of being voluble.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 37 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 69 words

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