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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, 2E, O, 2S, T and U

ABSOLUTENESSabsoluteness n. (Obsolete) The fact of being finished or perfected; completeness.
absoluteness n. The characteristic of being absolute in nature or scope.
absoluteness n. Absolute authority, unlimited power; absolutism, despotism.
DEOBSTRUENTSdeobstruents n. Plural of deobstruent.
DEOBSTRUENT n. something that removes an obstacle.
HOUSEBOATERShouseboaters n. Plural of houseboater.
HOUSEBOATER n. one who lives on a houseboat.
ISOBUTYLENESisobutylenes n. Plural of isobutylene.
ISOBUTYLENE n. an isomer of butylene used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
NEBULOSITIESnebulosities n. Plural of nebulosity.
NEBULOSITY n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOUSNESS.
OBDURATENESSobdurateness n. The characteristic of being obdurate; stubbornness.
OBDURATENESS n. the state of being obdurate.
OBSCUREMENTSobscurements n. Plural of obscurement.
OBSCUREMENT n. the act of obscuring.
OBSTREPEROUSobstreperous adj. Attended by, or making, a loud and tumultuous noise; boisterous.
obstreperous adj. Stubbornly defiant; disobedient; resistant to authority or control, whether in a noisy manner or not.
OBTUSENESSESobtusenesses n. Plural of obtuseness.
OBTUSENESS n. the state of being obtuse.
QUOTABLENESSquotableness n. The quality or degree of being quotable.
QUOTABLENESS n. the state of being quotable.
ROBUSTNESSESrobustnesses n. Plural of robustness.
ROBUSTNESS n. the state of being robust.
SUBPOTENCIESsubpotencies n. Plural of subpotency.
SUBPOTENCY n. the state (in a drug) of being subpotent, having less than normal potency.
SUBSOCIETIESsubsocieties n. Plural of subsociety.
SUBSOCIETY n. a subdivision of a society.
TROLLEYBUSEStrolleybuses n. Plural of trolleybus.
trolley␣buses n. Plural of trolley bus.
TROLLEYBUS n. a bus running on an overhead electric wire.
TUBERCULOSEStuberculoses n. Plural of tuberculosis.
TUBERCULOSIS n. consumption or phthisis, a disease caused by the tubercle bacillus.
TUBEROSITIEStuberosities n. Plural of tuberosity.
TUBEROSITY n. the state of being tuberous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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