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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, M, N, R, S and T

ABNORMITIESabnormities n. Plural of abnormity.
ABNORMITY n. a deviation from the norm (rule); an irregularity.
ABRIDGMENTSabridgments n. Plural of abridgment.
ABRIDGMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGEMENT.
BIOCENTRISMbiocentrism n. An ethical viewpoint that extends inherent value to all non-human life, regardless of its sentience.
biocentrism n. A cosmological theory viewing life and biology as central to being, reality, and the cosmos such that…
BRIMSTONIERBRIMSTONY adj. containing or resembling brimstone.
BURNISHMENTburnishment n. Burnishing.
BURNISHMENT n. the act of burnishing.
DISBARMENTSdisbarments n. Plural of disbarment.
DISBARMENT n. the act of disbarring.
DISROBEMENTdisrobement n. The act of disrobing (undressing, removing clothes).
DISROBEMENT n. the act of undressing.
IGNIMBRITESignimbrites n. Plural of ignimbrite.
IGNIMBRITE n. a hard rock formed by fusion of the volcanic fragments and dust of a nuee ardente.
IMBRUEMENTSimbruements n. Plural of imbruement.
IMBRUEMENT n. the act of imbruing or state of being imbrued, also EMBRUEMENT.
LIBERTINISMlibertinism n. A lifestyle or pattern of behavior characterized by self-indulgence and lack of restraint, especially…
LIBERTINISM n. the state of being libertine.
MONTBRETIASmontbretias n. Plural of montbretia.
MONTBRETIA n. a widely cultivated plant of the African iridaceous genus Crocosmia.
SUBMINISTERsubminister v. (Archaic) to supply; to administer.
subminister v. (Archaic) to be subservient (to).
subminister n. A subordinate minister.
SUBTERMINALsubterminal adj. Positioned near an end.
subterminal adj. Less than terminal.
SUBTERMINAL adj. of a band or stripe, situated before the tip of the tail.
TAMBOURINEStambourines n. Plural of tambourine.
tambourines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tambourine.
TAMBOURINE n. a shallow single-headed drum with jingles fitted round its rim, played on by beating or tapping with the hand, also TAMBURIN.
TIMBERLANDStimberlands n. Plural of timberland.
TIMBERLAND n. (US) land covered with trees used for timber.
TIMBERLINEStimberlines n. Plural of timberline.
timber␣lines n. Plural of timber line.
TIMBERLINE n. the upper limit of timber trees on a mountain.
TRIBESWOMANtribeswoman n. A female member of a tribe.
TRIBESWOMAN n. a female member of a tribe.
TRIBESWOMENtribeswomen n. Plural of tribeswoman.
TRIBESWOMAN n. a female member of a tribe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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