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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, E, G, 2I, N, R and S

ABORIGINESaborigines n. Plural of aborigine.
aborigines n. The original people of a location, originally Greek and Roman.
aborigines n. Indigenous flora and fauna.
BAIGNOIRESbaignoires n. Plural of baignoire.
BAIGNOIRE n. (French) a theatre box on a level with the stalls.
BEPRAISINGbepraising v. Present participle of bepraise.
BEPRAISE v. to lavish praise upon.
BESTIRRINGbestirring v. Present participle of bestir.
BESTIR v. to rouse to activity.
BESTRIDINGbestriding v. Present participle of bestride.
BESTRIDE v. to stride across, straddle.
BICKERINGSbickerings n. Plural of bickering.
BICKERING n. a petty quarrel.
BIOREGIONSbioregions n. Plural of bioregion.
BIOREGION n. an area in which climate and environment are consistent.
BLISTERINGblistering v. Present participle of blister.
blistering adj. Causing blisters.
blistering adj. Very hot.
BRISKENINGbriskening v. Present participle of brisken.
BRISKEN v. to make brisk.
DEBRUISINGdebruising v. Present participle of debruise.
DEBRUISE v. in heraldry, to cross and partially hide (a charge, esp. an animal) with an ordinary which extends over the field.
DESCRIBINGdescribing v. Present participle of describe.
DESCRIBE v. to recount the physical appearance, also DESCRIVE.
FIBERISINGfiberising v. Present participle of fiberise.
FIBERISE v. to break into fibers, also FIBERIZE.
GIBBERINGSgibberings n. Plural of gibbering.
GIBBERING n. the act of uttering senseless or inarticulate sounds.
HEBRAISINGHebraising v. Present participle of Hebraise.
HEBRAISE v. to make Hebrew, also HEBRAIZE.
RUBIGINOSErubiginose adj. (Botany) Having the appearance or colour of iron rust; rusty-looking.
RUBIGINOSE adj. rust-coloured, also RUBIGINOUS.
SOBERISINGsoberising v. Present participle of soberise.
SOBERISE v. to make sober, also SOBERIZE.
SOBERIZINGsoberizing v. Present participle of soberize.
SOBERIZE v. to make sober, also SOBERISE.
SUBERISINGsuberising v. Present participle of suberise.
SUBERISE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERIZE.
SUBERIZINGsuberizing v. Present participle of suberize.
SUBERIZE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERISE.
TIMBERINGStimberings n. Plural of timbering.
TIMBERING n. timber collectively; work in timber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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