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There are 14 words containing B, D, I, M, N, 2R and U

BARRAMUNDIbarramundi n. A diadromous fish of species Lates calcarifer, of the Centropomidae family, order Perciformes.
BARRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BURRAMUNDI.
BARRAMUNDIESBARRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BURRAMUNDI.
BARRAMUNDISbarramundis n. Plural of barramundi.
BARRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BURRAMUNDI.
BREADCRUMBINGbreadcrumbing v. Present participle of breadcrumb.
BREADCRUMB v. to cover with breadcrumbs.
BURRAMUNDIBURRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) any of several Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BARRAMUNDI.
BURRAMUNDISBURRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) any of several Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BARRAMUNDI.
MOUNTAINBOARDERmountainboarder n. One who takes part in the sport of mountainboarding.
MOUNTAINBOARDER n. one who uses a mountainboard.
MUTTONBIRDERmuttonbirder n. One who takes part in muttonbirding, the seasonal harvesting of petrel chicks.
MUTTONBIRDER n. (New Zealand) a person who hunts muttonbirds.
MUTTONBIRDERSmuttonbirders n. Plural of muttonbirder.
MUTTONBIRDER n. (New Zealand) a person who hunts muttonbirds.
PREMANDIBULARpremandibular adj. In front of the lower jaw.
premandibular n. A bone in front of the lower jaw in some reptiles.
PREMANDIBULAR adj. in front of the lower jaw.
PREMANDIBULARSpremandibulars n. Plural of premandibular.
PREMANDIBULAR n. a bone so placed in fishes, etc.
UNCIRCUMSCRIBEDuncircumscribed adj. Not circumscribed.
UNCIRCUMSCRIBED adj. not circumscribed.
UNDERBRIMunderbrim n. The underside of a hat’s brim.
UNDERBRIM n. a facing on the underside of a hat brim.
UNDERBRIMSunderbrims n. Plural of underbrim.
UNDERBRIM n. a facing on the underside of a hat brim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 229 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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