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There are 14 words containing B, D, 3E, G, L and N

UNWEDGEABLEunwedgeable adj. That cannot be split, as with a wedge.
UNWEDGEABLE adj. that cannot be split into wedges, also UNWEDGABLE.
LINEBREEDINGlinebreeding n. A form of inbreeding that may encompass crosses between individuals and their descendants or two cousins…
line␣breeding n. (Stockbreeding) Breeding by a certain family line of descent, especially in the selection of the dam or mother.
LINEBREEDING n. the interbreeding of individuals within a particular line of descent usually to perpetuate desirable characters.
NOSEBLEEDINGnosebleeding n. The occurrence of nosebleeds.
NOSEBLEEDING n. bleeding from the nose, also NOSEBLEED.
DESOBLIGEANTEDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
DINGLEBERRIESdingleberries n. Plural of dingleberry.
DINGLEBERRY n. a piece of dried fecal matter clinging to the hair round the anus.
GOLDENBERRIESgoldenberries n. Plural of goldenberry.
golden␣berries n. Plural of golden berry.
GOLDENBERRY n. the Cape gooseberry.
KNOWLEDGEABLEknowledgeable adj. Having knowledge, especially of a particular subject.
knowledgeable adj. Educated and well informed.
knowledgeable n. (India) A person who has knowledge; an informed party.
LINEBREEDINGSlinebreedings n. Plural of linebreeding.
LINEBREEDING n. the interbreeding of individuals within a particular line of descent usually to perpetuate desirable characters.
NOSEBLEEDINGSNOSEBLEEDING n. bleeding from the nose, also NOSEBLEED.
DESOBLIGEANTESDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
DIGESTIBLENESSdigestibleness n. The quality of being digestible.
DIGESTIBLENESS n. the state of being digestible.
GRADABLENESSESGRADABLENESS n. the state of being gradable.
ACKNOWLEDGEABLEacknowledgeable adj. Able to be acknowledged.
acknowledgeable adj. Worthy of acknowledgement.
ACKNOWLEDGEABLE adj. capable of being acknowledged.
UNKNOWLEDGEABLEunknowledgeable adj. Lacking knowledge, ignorant, naive, or foolish.
UNKNOWLEDGEABLE adj. not knowledgeable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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