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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing B, D, 2E, L, 2N and S

BOUNDLESSNESSboundlessness n. The property of being boundless, of being without limits or ends.
BOUNDLESSNESS n. the state of being boundless.
DISENABLEMENTDISENABLEMENT n. the act of disenabling.
DRINKABLENESSdrinkableness n. The quality of being drinkable.
DRINKABLENESS n. the state of being drinkable.
ENDURABLENESSendurableness n. (Rare) The state of being endurable; endurability.
ENDURABLE n. that can be endured.
INAUDIBLENESSinaudibleness n. Inaudibility; the state or quality of being inaudible.
INAUDIBLE n. that cannot be heard.
INCONDENSABLEincondensable adj. Not condensable; incapable of being made more dense or compact, or reduced to liquid form.
INCONDENSABLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSIBLE.
INCONDENSIBLEincondensible adj. Alternative form of incondensable.
INCONDENSIBLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSABLE.
INDELIBLENESSindelibleness n. Quality of being indelible.
INDELIBLE n. that cannot be erased.
INDISCERNIBLEindiscernible adj. Not capable of being discerned, of being perceived.
indiscernible adj. Not capable of being distinguished from something else.
indiscernible n. (Chiefly philosophy) Something which is incapable of being discerned.
INDISPENSABLEindispensable adj. (Ecclesiastical, obsolete) Not admitting ecclesiastical dispensation; not subject to release or exemption;…
indispensable adj. (Of duties, rules etc.) Unbendable, that cannot be set aside or ignored.
indispensable adj. Absolutely necessary or requisite; that one cannot do without.
LINEBREEDINGSlinebreedings n. Plural of linebreeding.
LINEBREEDING n. the interbreeding of individuals within a particular line of descent usually to perpetuate desirable characters.
NOSEBLEEDINGSNOSEBLEEDING n. bleeding from the nose, also NOSEBLEED.
UNBLESSEDNESSunblessedness n. The state or condition of being unblessed.
UNBLESSEDNESS n. the state of being unblessed.
UNBRIDLEDNESSunbridledness n. The quality of being unbridled.
UNBRIDLEDNESS n. the state of being unbridled.
UNDERBLANKETSunderblankets n. Plural of underblanket.
UNDERBLANKET n. a blanket for use under another blanket.
UNDISCERNIBLEundiscernible adj. Archaic spelling of indiscernible.
UNDISCERNIBLE adj. incapable of being discerned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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