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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing B, D, 2E, I, L, O and R

BANDERILLERObanderillero n. (Bullfighting) A member of the cuadrilla who uses banderillas.
BANDERILLERO n. a person who thrusts in the banderillas in a bullfight.
BOILERPLATEDboilerplated v. Simple past tense and past participle of boilerplate.
BOILERPLATE v. to print as a boilerplate.
BOULEVARDIERboulevardier n. A man who frequents the boulevards; thus, a man about town or bon vivant.
boulevardier v. (Intransitive) To strut or show off like a boulevardier.
BOULEVARDIER n. (French) a socially active man who likes to visit fashionable places.
BOWDLERISERSbowdlerisers n. Plural of bowdleriser.
BOWDLERISER n. one who bowdlerises, also BOWDLERIZER.
BOWDLERIZERSbowdlerizers n. Plural of bowdlerizer.
BOWDLERIZER n. one who bowdlerizes, also BOWDLERISER.
CLOUDBERRIEScloudberries n. Plural of cloudberry.
CLOUDBERRY n. a low plant of North America and North Europe, related to the bramble, with an orange-red sweet-flavoured berry known as bakeapple.
CONSIDERABLEconsiderable adj. Significant; worth considering.
considerable adj. Large in amount.
considerable n. (Obsolete) A thing to be considered, consideration.
DELIBERATIONdeliberation n. The act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure;…
deliberation n. Careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure.
DELIBERATION n. the act of deliberating.
DELIBERATORSdeliberators n. Plural of deliberator.
DELIBERATOR n. one who deliberates.
DEMOBILIZERSdemobilizers n. Plural of demobilizer.
DISCOVERABLEdiscoverable adj. Able to be discovered.
discoverable adj. (Law) Subject to legal discovery; able to be requested by an opposing party through a legal process…
DISCOVERABLE adj. that can be discovered.
DISEMBROILEDdisembroiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of disembroil.
DISEMBROIL v. to disentangle; to free from perplexity.
HYPERBOLISEDhyperbolised v. Simple past tense and past participle of hyperbolise.
HYPERBOLISE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLIZE.
HYPERBOLIZEDhyperbolized v. Simple past tense and past participle of hyperbolize.
HYPERBOLIZE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLISE.
IMPONDERABLEimponderable adj. Not ponderable; without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed.
imponderable adj. Difficult or impossible to comprehend or evaluate.
imponderable n. (Physics) An imponderable substance or body; specifically, in the plural, a name formerly applied to…
MIDDLEBROWEDMIDDLEBROWED adj. midway between highbrow and lowbrow.
RADIOLABELEDradiolabeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiolabel.
radiolabeled adj. Labeled with a radioactive tracer.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
REPRODUCIBLEreproducible adj. (Of a measurement, experiment etc) Capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people.
reproducible n. Something that can be reproduced.
REPRODUCIBLE adj. that can be reproduced.
TIMBERDOODLEtimberdoodle n. The American woodcock (Scolopax minor).
TIMBERDOODLE n. the North American woodcock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 116 words
  • Scrabble in French: 85 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 65 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 73 words

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