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There are 16 words containing B, C, H, I, R, 2S and U

BRACHIOSAURSbrachiosaurs n. Plural of brachiosaur.
CHORIAMBUSESchoriambuses n. Plural of choriambus.
CHORIAMBUS n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBIC.
COPUBLISHERScopublishers n. Plural of copublisher.
COPUBLISHER n. a joint publisher.
SUBCHLORIDESsubchlorides n. Plural of subchloride.
SUBCHLORIDE n. a sub-compound of chloride.
SUBHARMONICSsubharmonics n. Plural of subharmonic.
SUBHARMONIC n. a tone below a harmonic.
SUPERBITCHESsuperbitches n. Plural of superbitch.
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
BRACHIOSAURUSbrachiosaurus n. A large herbivorous sauropod dinosaur, Brachiosaurus altithorax, which lived during the Jurassic period.
Brachiosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Brachiosauridae – brachiosauruses.
BRACHIOSAURUS n. any member of a genus of huge lizard-hipped plant-eating dinosaurs.
SCRATCHBUILDSSCRATCHBUILD v. to build (usually models) from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
SUBARACHNOIDSSUBARACHNOID n. the space situated under the arachnoid membrane.
CRUSHABILITIESCRUSHABILITY n. the quality of being crushable.
SUBATMOSPHERICsubatmospheric adj. Less than atmospheric (pressure).
SUBATMOSPHERIC adj. less or lower than that of the atmosphere.
BRACHIOSAURUSESbrachiosauruses n. Plural of brachiosaurus.
BRACHIOSAURUS n. any member of a genus of huge lizard-hipped plant-eating dinosaurs.
BRAUNSCHWEIGERSBraunschweigers n. Plural of Braunschweiger.
BRAUNSCHWEIGER n. (German) smoked liverwurst.
CLAUSTROPHOBIASclaustrophobias n. Plural of claustrophobia.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA n. fear of closed spaces.
MICROPUBLISHERSmicropublishers n. Plural of micropublisher.
MICROPUBLISHER n. one who publishes in microform, a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
SCRATCHBUILDERSSCRATCHBUILDER n. one who scratchbuilds, builds models from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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