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There are 17 words containing B, C, 2E, 2I, M and N

BIOMEDICINEbiomedicine n. The application of biology and physiology to clinical medicine.
biomedicine n. The branch of medicine that studies the effects of environmental stress on organisms (most often in space travel).
biomedicine n. (Countable) A medicine created with the use of living organisms.
MEDICINABLEmedicinable adj. (Obsolete) Medicinal; having healing properties.
MEDICINABLE adj. that can be treated with medicine.
BIOMEDICINESbiomedicines n. Plural of biomedicine.
BIOMEDICINE n. medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences and esp. biology and biochemistry.
INCUMBENCIESincumbencies n. Plural of incumbency.
INCUMBENCY n. something that is incumbent.
AMBIVALENCIESAMBIVALENCY n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCE.
UNMEDICINABLEunmedicinable adj. Not useful in medicine.
unmedicinable adj. Not medicable; that cannot be treated by means of medicine.
UNMEDICINABLE adj. not medicinable.
BIOLUMINESCENTbioluminescent adj. (Biology, biochemistry) Exhibiting bioluminescence.
BIOLUMINESCENT adj. relating to bioluminescence.
CIRCUMAMBIENCEcircumambience n. The condition of being circumambient.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
DISENCUMBERINGdisencumbering v. Present participle of disencumber.
DISENCUMBER v. to free from encumbrance, also DISCUMBER.
INCOMPRESSIBLEincompressible adj. Not compressible.
incompressible adj. (Calculus, of a vector field) Having a divergence equal to zero.
INCOMPRESSIBLE adj. incapable of or resistant to compression.
SABERMETRICIANsabermetrician n. (US, baseball) A baseball statistician; one who studies sabermetrics.
SABERMETRICIAN n. a student of sabermetrics, the statistical analysis of baseball data.
BIOLUMINESCENCEbioluminescence n. (Biology, biochemistry) The emission of light by a living organism (such as a firefly).
BIOLUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light from living organisms.
CIRCUMAMBIENCEScircumambiences n. Plural of circumambience.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
IMMEDICABLENESSIMMEDICABLE n. that cannot be medicated.
METACINNABARITEmetacinnabarite n. (Mineralogy) sulphide of mercury in a black isometric form.
METACINNABARITE n. the black solid form of mercuric sulphide.
MISBECOMINGNESSmisbecomingness n. Quality of being misbecoming.
MISBECOMINGNESS n. the state of being misbecoming.
SABERMETRICIANSsabermetricians n. Plural of sabermetrician.
SABERMETRICIAN n. a student of sabermetrics, the statistical analysis of baseball data.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 526 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 216 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 211 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 109 words

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