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There are 12 words containing B, C, 3E, H, S and T

BEECHIESTbeechiest adj. Superlative form of beechy: most beechy.
BEECHY adj. abounding in beeches.
ESCHEATABLEescheatable adj. Liable to escheat.
ESCHEATABLE adj. capable of being escheated.
BEWITCHERIESbewitcheries n. Plural of bewitchery.
BEWITCHERY n. the power of bewitching or fascinating.
BLEACHERITESbleacherites n. Plural of bleacherite.
BLEACHERITE n. one who sits in the bleachers, uncovered seats.
BACHELORETTESbachelorettes n. Plural of bachelorette.
BACHELORETTE n. an unmarried woman.
CYBERATHLETEScyberathletes n. Plural of cyberathlete.
CYBERATHLETE n. a professional player of computer games.
PHLEBECTOMIESphlebectomies n. Plural of phlebectomy.
PHLEBECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a vein or part of a vein.
TEACHABLENESSteachableness n. The state or condition of being teachable.
TEACHABLENESS n. the state of being teachable.
BENZANTHRACENESbenzanthracenes n. Plural of benzanthracene.
BENZANTHRACENE n. a crystalline carcinogenic cyclic hydrocarbon that is found in small amounts in coal tar.
TEACHABLENESSESteachablenesses n. Plural of teachableness.
TEACHABLENESS n. the state of being teachable.
TOUCHABLENESSESTOUCHABLENESS n. the state of being touchable.
UNTEACHABLENESSunteachableness n. The quality of being unteachable.
UNTEACHABLENESS n. the state of being unteachable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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