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There are 17 words containing B, C, D, E, H, R, S and U

BERGSCHRUNDbergschrund n. Alternative form of bergshrund.
BERGSCHRUND n. (German) a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall.
BERGSCHRUNDSbergschrunds n. Plural of bergschrund.
BERGSCHRUND n. (German) a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall.
BOUSTROPHEDONICboustrophedonic adj. Relating to the boustrophedon mode of writing.
BOUSTROPHEDONIC adj. having alternate lines written in opposite directions.
BUTCHERBIRDSbutcherbirds n. Plural of butcherbird.
butcher␣birds n. Plural of butcher bird.
BUTCHERBIRD n. the shrike.
CHATEAUBRIANDSchateaubriands n. Plural of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
CHEQUERBOARDSchequerboards n. Plural of chequerboard.
CHEQUERBOARD n. a board for playing chequers.
COACHBUILDERScoachbuilders n. Plural of coachbuilder.
COACHBUILDER n. a craftsman who builds the bodies of cars, lorries, railway carriages, etc.
DEBAUCHERIESdebaucheries n. Plural of debauchery.
DEBAUCHERY n. the act of debauching.
DEBAUCHERSdebauchers n. Plural of debaucher.
DEBAUCHER n. one who debauches.
DEBOUCHURESdebouchures n. Plural of debouchure.
DEBOUCHURE n. (French) the mouth of a river or strait.
NEBUCHADNEZZARSNebuchadnezzars n. Plural of Nebuchadnezzar.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR n. an oversize wine bottle holding about 3.50 gallons.
NUDIBRANCHIATESNUDIBRANCHIATE n. a member of the Nudibranchiata, sea slugs, also NUDIBRANCH.
SCRATCHBUILDERSCRATCHBUILDER n. one who scratchbuilds, builds models from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
SCRATCHBUILDERSSCRATCHBUILDER n. one who scratchbuilds, builds models from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
SUBCHARTEREDSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
SUBCHLORIDEsubchloride n. (Inorganic chemistry) A chloride that contains a smaller proportion of chlorine than the normal / typical…
SUBCHLORIDE n. a sub-compound of chloride.
SUBCHLORIDESsubchlorides n. Plural of subchloride.
SUBCHLORIDE n. a sub-compound of chloride.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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