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There are 13 words containing B, O, 2R and 3T

ATTRIBUTORattributor n. One who attributes; an imputer.
ATTRIBUTOR n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTER.
BITTERROOTbitterroot n. Lewisia rediviva, a small, low, pink flower with a yellow center.
bitterroot n. Apocynum androsaemifolium (fly-trap dogbane).
bitterroot n. Gentiana lutea (great yellow gentian, bitterwort).
BUTTERWORTbutterwort n. Any plant of the insectivorous genus Pinguicula.
BUTTERWORT n. a genus of low insectivorous herbs.
ATTRIBUTORSattributors n. Plural of attributor.
ATTRIBUTOR n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTER.
BITTERROOTSbitterroots n. Plural of bitterroot.
BITTERROOT n. a plant allied to the purslane, growing in the mountains of Idaho, Montana, etc.
BUTTERWORTSbutterworts n. Plural of butterwort.
BUTTERWORT n. a genus of low insectivorous herbs.
TETRABORATEtetraborate n. (Chemistry) Any borate having four boron atoms.
TETRABORATE n. a salt, ester, or anion of boric acid.
GLOBETROTTERglobetrotter n. A person who travels often to faraway places.
globe-trotter n. Alternative form of globetrotter.
globe␣trotter n. Alternative spelling of globetrotter.
TETRABORATEStetraborates n. Plural of tetraborate.
TETRABORATE n. a salt, ester, or anion of boric acid.
GLOBETROTTERSglobetrotters n. Plural of globetrotter.
globe-trotters n. Plural of globe-trotter.
globe␣trotters n. Plural of globe trotter.
REATTRIBUTIONreattribution n. The act of attributing again.
reattribution n. (Art) The process of determining whether artwork is real or fake, and, if fake, determining when and…
reattribution n. (Therapy) A therapeutic technique in which the client is encouraged to consider possible alternate causes for events.
REATTRIBUTIONSreattributions n. Plural of reattribution.
REATTRIBUTION n. the act of reattributing.
THIOBARBITURATEthiobarbiturate n. (Medicine) Any compound obtained from a barbiturate by the formal substitution of an oxygen atom by one of sulfur.
THIOBARBITURATE n. a salt of thiobarbituric acid similar in effect to a barbiturate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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