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There are 17 words containing B, I, 2M, 2O and R

AMOEBIFORMamoebiform adj. Alternative form of amebiform.
AMOEBIFORM adj. resembling an amoeba; changing in shape like an amoeba, also AMEBOID, AMOEBOID.
MICROBIOMEmicrobiome n. (Genetics) The genetic information (genomes) of a microbiota.
microbiome n. (Biology) A microbial biome, such as the community of microbes within the human gut.
MICROBIOME n. the microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, which inhabit the human body in a symbiotic relationship.
MICROBIOMESmicrobiomes n. Plural of microbiome.
MICROBIOME n. the microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, which inhabit the human body in a symbiotic relationship.
AEROEMBOLISMaeroembolism n. An embolism that results from the introduction, (or the formation under reduced pressure) of air bubbles in the blood.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
EMBRYOTOMIESembryotomies n. Plural of embryotomy.
EMBRYOTOMY n. the cutting a fetus into pieces within the womb, so as to effect its removal.
MORBILLIFORMmorbilliform adj. (Medicine, of a rash) Resembling the erythematous, maculopapular rash of measles.
MORBILLIFORM adj. like or resembling measles.
AEROEMBOLISMSaeroembolisms n. Plural of aeroembolism.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
IMMUNOSORBENTimmunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antibody that is used to remove a specific antigen from a mixture.
immunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antigen that is used to remove a specific antibody from a mixture.
immunosorbent adj. Relating to the absorption of antibodies by insoluble antigens.
STROMBULIFORMSTROMBULIFORM adj. shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted.
IMMUNOSORBENTSimmunosorbents n. Plural of immunosorbent.
IMMUNOSORBENT n. a substrate consisting of a specific antibody or antigen chemically combined with an insoluble substance, such as cellulose, to selectively remove the corresponding specific antigen or antibody from solution.
SYMMETROPHOBIAsymmetrophobia n. Aversion to symmetry.
SYMMETROPHOBIA n. fear of symmetry.
THROMBOEMBOLICthromboembolic adj. Of or pertaining to a thromboembolism.
THROMBOEMBOLIC adj. relating to thromboembolism.
SUBCOMMISSIONERsubcommissioner n. A lesser or subsidiary commissioner.
SUBCOMMISSIONER n. a subordinate commissioner.
THROMBOEMBOLISMthromboembolism n. (Medicine) An embolism caused by a blood clot carried in the bloodstream from its place of origin.
THROMBOEMBOLISM n. the blocking of a blood vessel by a particle that has broken away from a blood clot at its site of formation.
TRIBROMOMETHANEtribromomethane n. (Organic chemistry) bromoform.
TRIBROMOMETHANE n. another name for bromoform, a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
UNCOMPROMISABLEuncompromisable adj. Not compromisable; that cannot be compromised; non-negotiable.
UNCOMPROMISABLE adj. not able to be compromised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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