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There are 19 words containing B, 2H, 2I, R and T

ARITHMOPHOBIAarithmophobia n. The irrational fear of numbers or arithmetic.
ARITHMOPHOBIA n. a fear of numbers.
BIORHYTHMICbiorhythmic adj. Of or pertaining to biorhythms.
BIORHYTHMIC adj. relating to biorhythms.
BIORHYTHMICALLYbiorhythmically adv. In a biorhythmic way.
BIORHYTHMIC adv. relating to biorhythms.
BIORHYTHMICSbiorhythmics n. The study of biorhythms.
BIORHYTHMICS n. the study of biorhythms.
BIRTHNIGHTbirthnight n. The night of someone’s birth.
birthnight n. The anniversary of that night in subsequent years.
BIRTHNIGHT n. the night in which a person is born; the anniversary of that night in succeeding years.
BIRTHNIGHTSbirthnights n. Plural of birthnight.
BIRTHNIGHT n. the night in which a person is born; the anniversary of that night in succeeding years.
BIRTHRIGHTbirthright n. Something owed since birth, due to inheritance.
BIRTHRIGHT n. a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth.
BIRTHRIGHTSbirthrights n. Plural of birthright.
BIRTHRIGHT n. a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth.
BRIGHTISHbrightish adj. Somewhat bright.
BRIGHTISH adj. somewhat bright.
CHILDBIRTHchildbirth n. The fact or action of giving birth to a child, as the culmination of pregnancy.
child-birth n. Alternative form of childbirth.
CHILDBIRTH n. the act of giving birth.
CHILDBIRTHSchildbirths n. Plural of childbirth.
child-births n. Plural of child-birth.
CHILDBIRTH n. the act of giving birth.
HYDROPHOBICITYhydrophobicity n. (Chemistry, uncountable) The condition of being hydrophobic.
hydrophobicity n. (Chemistry, countable) The degree to which a substance is hydrophobic.
HYDROPHOBICITY n. the state of being hydrophobic.
HYPNOBIRTHINGhypnobirthing n. The use of hypnotherapy to ease the process of childbirth.
HYPNOBIRTHING n. the use of hypnotic technique during labour by an expectant mother to reduce the pain and emotional stress of delivery.
HYPNOBIRTHINGSHYPNOBIRTHING n. the use of hypnotic technique during labour by an expectant mother to reduce the pain and emotional stress of delivery.
ORNITHOPHOBIAornithophobia n. Fear of birds.
ORNITHOPHOBIA n. fear of birds.
THROMBOPHILIAthrombophilia n. (Pathology) The tendency to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality in the system of coagulation.
THROMBOPHILIA n. combined inflammation and thrombosis of a vein.
THROMBOPHILIASthrombophilias n. Plural of thrombophilia.
THROMBOPHILIA n. combined inflammation and thrombosis of a vein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 394 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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