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There are 19 words containing B, G, 2O, 2T and U

BLOODGUILTIESTBLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
BUTTONHOLINGbuttonholing v. Present participle of buttonhole.
buttonholing n. The act of detaining someone in conversation against his or her will.
BUTTONHOLE v. to detain in talk, also BUTTONHOLD.
BUTTONHOOKINGbuttonhooking v. Present participle of buttonhook.
BUTTONHOOK v. to make a kind of offensive play in American football.
GUTTERBLOODgutterblood n. (Derogatory, archaic) A person of low pedigree; one of the common rabble.
GUTTERBLOOD n. (Scots) a lowborn person.
GUTTERBLOODSgutterbloods n. Plural of gutterblood.
GUTTERBLOOD n. (Scots) a lowborn person.
IMMUNOBLOTTINGimmunoblotting n. The use of immunoblots to analyse proteins.
IMMUNOBLOTTING n. the act of making immunoblots.
IMMUNOBLOTTINGSimmunoblottings n. Plural of immunoblotting.
IMMUNOBLOTTING n. the act of making immunoblots.
NONCONTRIBUTINGnoncontributing adj. Not contributing; that does not contribute or does not involve contribution.
NONCONTRIBUTING adj. not contributing.
OUTBOASTINGoutboasting v. Present participle of outboast.
OUTBOAST v. to surpass in boasting.
OUTBOUGHToutbought v. Simple past tense and past participle of outbuy.
OUTBUY v. to surpass in buying.
OUTTHROBBINGoutthrobbing v. Present participle of outthrob.
OUTTHROB v. to surpass in throbbing.
POTATOBUGpotato␣bug n. The Jerusalem cricket, various insects of the genus Stenopelmatus.
potato␣bug n. The woodlouse, various terrestrial crustaceans of suborder Oniscidea.
potato␣bug n. Any of various insects that feed on or harm potato plants.
POTATOBUGSpotato␣bugs n. Plural of potato bug.
POTATOBUG n. the Colorado beetle.
TOOTHBRUSHINGtoothbrushing v. Present participle of toothbrush.
toothbrushing n. An act of brushing the teeth.
TOOTHBRUSHING n. the action of using a toothbrush to clean teeth.
TOOTHBRUSHINGStoothbrushings n. Plural of toothbrushing.
TOOTHBRUSHING n. the action of using a toothbrush to clean teeth.
TROUBLESHOOTINGtroubleshooting n. The identification and resolution of problems, especially problems of a technical nature.
troubleshooting v. Present participle of troubleshoot.
TROUBLESHOOT v. to solve problems.
TURBOGENERATORturbogenerator n. A turbine directly connected to an electric generator in order to generate power.
turbo-generator n. Alternative form of turbogenerator.
TURBOGENERATOR n. an electric generator driven by a turbine.
TURBOGENERATORSturbogenerators n. Plural of turbogenerator.
turbo-generators n. Plural of turbo-generator.
TURBOGENERATOR n. an electric generator driven by a turbine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 352 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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