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There are 17 words containing B, G, I, P, 2S and T

BIBLIOPEGISTSbibliopegists n. Plural of bibliopegist.
BIBLIOPEGIST n. a bookbinder.
BIBLIOPHAGISTSbibliophagists n. Plural of bibliophagist.
BIBLIOPHAGIST n. a voracious reader.
BILLPOSTINGSBILLPOSTING n. the act of posting a bill.
BIOPROSPECTINGSBIOPROSPECTING n. the exploitation of traditional medicines.
BIOPSYCHOLOGISTbiopsychologist n. A specialist in biopsychology.
PALAEBIOLOGISTSPALAEBIOLOGIST n. a student of palaebiology.
PALEOBIOLOGISTSpaleobiologists n. Plural of paleobiologist.
PALEOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies paleobiology.
PHOTOBIOLOGISTSphotobiologists n. Plural of photobiologist.
PHOTOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies photobiology.
POSTBOURGEOISpostbourgeois adj. (In Marxist philosophy) Relating to a period of society following the decline of the bourgeoisie.
POSTBOURGEOIS adj. belonging to a period of society after the bourgeoisie.
PREESTABLISHINGpreestablishing v. Present participle of preestablish.
preëstablishing v. Present participle of preëstablish.
pre-establishing v. Present participle of pre-establish.
PSYCHOBIOLOGISTpsychobiologist n. A biologist who works in psychobiology.
PSYCHOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies psychobiology.
SPEEDBOATINGSSPEEDBOATING n. the sport of driving a speedboat.
SPITTLEBUGSspittlebugs n. Plural of spittlebug.
SPITTLEBUG n. any of a family of leaping homopterous insects whose larvae emit froth, aka froghopper.
SPONGIOBLASTspongioblast n. (Cytology) A neuroepithelial cell that develops into neuroglial and ependymal cells.
SPONGIOBLAST n. any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
SPONGIOBLASTICSPONGIOBLASTIC adj. of or like a spongioblast, any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
SPONGIOBLASTSspongioblasts n. Plural of spongioblast.
SPONGIOBLAST n. any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
SUBOPTIMISINGSUBOPTIMISE v. to optimize to an inferior degree, also SUBOPTIMIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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