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There are 15 words containing B, F, M, O, 2R and U

BURSIFORMbursiform adj. Shaped like a purse or bag.
BURSIFORM adj. shaped like a pouch or purse.
COLUBRIFORMcolubriform adj. Having the form of a snake.
colubriform adj. Characteristic of snakes of the family Colubridae; colubrid.
colubriform n. Any snake of the clade Colubriformes.
FERROMOLYBDENUMferromolybdenum n. An iron-molybdenum alloy.
FERROMOLYBDENUM n. an alloy of iron with molybdenum.
LUMBRICIFORMlumbriciform adj. (Zoology) Resembling an earthworm; vermiform.
LUMBRICIFORM adj. shaped like a worm.
MORBIFEROUSmorbiferous adj. Morbific; causing disease.
MORBIFEROUS adj. disease-bringing.
NEUROFIBROMAneurofibroma n. (Medicine) A benign tumor composed of fibroblasts surrounding nerve cells.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
NEUROFIBROMASneurofibromas n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
NEUROFIBROMATAneurofibromata n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
STROMBULIFEROUSSTROMBULIFEROUS adj. bearing spirally coiled organs.
STROMBULIFORMSTROMBULIFORM adj. shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted.
TUBERIFORMtuberiform adj. Resembling a tuber.
TUBERIFORM adj. shaped like a lump or protuberance.
UMBRACULIFORMumbraculiform adj. (Botany) Having the form of anything that serves to shade, such as a treetop or especially an umbrella.
UMBRACULIFORM adj. shaped like an umbrella.
UMBRIFEROUSumbriferous adj. Casting or making a shade; umbrageous.
UMBRIFEROUS adj. giving or bearing shade.
UNPERFORMABLEunperformable adj. Not performable; that cannot be performed.
UNPERFORMABLE adj. not performable.
UNREFORMABLEunreformable adj. That cannot be reformed.
UNREFORMABLE adj. not reformable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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