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There are 17 words containing B, F, 2I and 3L

FALLIBILISMfallibilism n. The doctrine that knowledge is never certain, but always hypothetical and susceptible to correction.
FALLIBILISM n. the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain.
FALLIBILISMSfallibilisms n. Plural of fallibilism.
FALLIBILISM n. the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain.
FALLIBILISTfallibilist n. An advocate or supporter of fallibilism.
FALLIBILIST n. one who holds to the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain.
FALLIBILISTSfallibilists n. Plural of fallibilist.
FALLIBILIST n. one who holds to the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain.
FALLIBILITIESfallibilities n. Plural of fallibility.
FALLIBILITY n. liability to err.
FALLIBILITYfallibility n. The state of being prone to error.
fallibility n. (Countable) An error-generating characteristic.
FALLIBILITY n. liability to err.
INFALLIBILISMinfallibilism n. A doctrine of the infallibility of a certain person or thing, especially (Roman Catholicism) the doctrine…
infallibilism n. (Epistemology) The theory that belief in a true proposition counts as knowledge only if the proposition…
INFALLIBILISM n. the doctrine of the Pope's infallibility.
INFALLIBILISMSinfallibilisms n. Plural of infallibilism.
INFALLIBILISM n. the doctrine of the Pope's infallibility.
INFALLIBILISTinfallibilist n. One who accepts infallibilism (any sense).
INFALLIBILIST n. one who believes in the Pope's infallibility.
INFALLIBILISTSinfallibilists n. Plural of infallibilist.
INFALLIBILIST n. one who believes in the Pope's infallibility.
INFALLIBILITIESinfallibilities n. Plural of infallibility.
INFALLIBILITY n. the state of being infallible.
INFALLIBILITYinfallibility n. The property of being infallible; the ability to never make a mistake.
INFALLIBILITY n. the state of being infallible.
INFALLIBLEinfallible n. A person who, or an object or process that, is taken as being infallible.
infallible adj. Without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy.
infallible adj. Certain to produce the intended effect, sure.
INFALLIBLENESSinfallibleness n. The quality of being infallible.
INFALLIBLENESS n. the state of being infallible.
INFALLIBLESinfallibles n. Plural of infallible.
INFALLIBLE n. one incapable of failure.
INFALLIBLYinfallibly adv. In an infallible manner.
INFALLIBLE adv. not capable of failure, also UNFALLIBLE.
MOLLIFIABLEmollifiable adj. Capable of being mollified.
MOLLIFIABLE adj. that can be mollified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 16 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 77 words

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