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There are 20 words containing B, E, O, Q, S and 2U

BOUQUETSbouquets n. Plural of bouquet.
Bouquets prop.n. Plural of Bouquet.
BOUQUET n. (French) a bunch of flowers.
BOURASQUEbourasque n. (Archaic) A tempest.
BOURASQUE n. (French) a tempest.
BOUTIQUESboutiques n. Plural of boutique.
BOUTIQUE n. (French) a shop, or department in a store, selling (esp. fashionable) clothes or accessories.
BOURASQUESbourasques n. Plural of bourasque.
BOURASQUE n. (French) a tempest.
CHIBOUQUESchibouques n. Plural of chibouque.
CHIBOUQUE n. (Turkish) a long straight-stemmed Turkish tobacco pipe, also CHIBOUK.
OBSEQUIOUSobsequious adj. Excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey instructions; fawning, subservient, servile.
obsequious adj. (Archaic) Obedient; compliant with someone else’s orders or wishes.
obsequious adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to obsequies, funereal.
SOUBRIQUETsoubriquet n. Alternative spelling of sobriquet.
SOUBRIQUET n. (French) a nickname, also SOBRIQUET.
SUBAQUEOUSsubaqueous adj. Existing below the water surface.
subaqueous adj. Designed for underwater use.
subaqueous adj. Weak and filtered.
BOUTIQUIESTBOUTIQUEY adj. like a boutique.
SOUBRIQUETSsoubriquets n. Plural of soubriquet.
SOUBRIQUET n. (French) a nickname, also SOBRIQUET.
UBIQUINONESubiquinones n. Plural of ubiquinone.
UBIQUINONE n. a quinine used involved in the transfer of electrons during cell respiration.
BOUQUETIERESBOUQUETIERE n. (French) a flower-girl.
OBSEQUIOUSLYobsequiously adv. In an obsequious manner.
OBSEQUIOUS adv. servilely ingratiating; fawning.
SUBEQUATORIALsubequatorial adj. (Geography) Belonging to a region adjacent to an equatorial area.
SUBEQUATORIAL adj. below the equator.
OBSEQUIOUSNESSobsequiousness n. The quality of being obsequious; servile compliance.
OBSEQUIOUSNESS n. the state of being obsequious.
UBIQUITOUSNESSubiquitousness n. The state or property of being ubiquitous.
ubiquitousness n. The state of being everywhere at any given time.
UBIQUITOUS n. being everywhere at once, also UBIQUITARY.
UNCONQUERABLESSorry, definition not available.
UNQUESTIONABLEunquestionable adj. Undeniable, obvious.
UNQUESTIONABLE adj. not open to question.
UNQUESTIONABLYunquestionably adv. Without question; beyond doubt; indubitably.
unquestionably adv. (Informal) OK, right-on.
UNQUESTIONABLE adv. not open to question.
NONEQUILIBRIUMSnonequilibriums n. Plural of nonequilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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