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There are 17 words containing B, E, N, 2R, T and W

TWINBERRYtwinberry n. A North American species of honeysuckle, Lonicera involucrata.
twinberry n. Its fruit, a bitter edible black berry containing several small seeds.
TWINBERRY n. a shrubby North American honeysuckle.
BARRENWORTbarrenwort n. A herb, Epimedium alpinum, once thought to prevent conception.
BARRENWORT n. a herbaceous plant of the Barberry family, having leaves that are bitter and said to be sudorific.
WATERBORNEwaterborne adj. Transported or transmitted by water.
waterborne adj. Floating on the water; afloat.
water-borne adj. Alternative spelling of waterborne.
WATERBRAINWATERBRAIN n. a disease of sheep, aka gid.
BARRENWORTSbarrenworts n. Plural of barrenwort.
BARRENWORT n. a herbaceous plant of the Barberry family, having leaves that are bitter and said to be sudorific.
TWINBERRIEStwinberries n. Plural of twinberry.
TWINBERRY n. a shrubby North American honeysuckle.
WARRANTABLEwarrantable adj. Justifiable, just, proper.
warrantable adj. Authorized by warrant or right.
warrantable adj. Of animals: having reached a sufficient age to be hunted.
WATERBRAINSWATERBRAIN n. a disease of sheep, aka gid.
WINTERBERRYwinterberry n. A species of holly native to the United States and Canada and producing red berries, Ilex verticillata.
winterberry n. The fruit of this plant.
WINTERBERRY n. a name given to several shrubs of the genus Ilex, growing in the eastern parts of North America.
WINTERBOURNEwinterbourne n. (Britain) A stream that only flows in winter or after wet weather, particularly in an area rich in limestone.
Winterbourne prop.n. Any of several villages in Britain.
Winterbourne prop.n. A surname from Old English.
UNWARRANTABLEunwarrantable adj. Not warrantable; indefensible; not vindicable; not justifiable.
UNWARRANTABLE adj. not justifiable.
WATERBOARDINGwaterboarding n. A torture technique in which the victim is immobilized, has towels or rags wrapped over their face…
waterboarding v. Present participle of waterboard.
WATERBOARDING n. a form of torture in which the victim is immobilized and has water poured on his or her face, producing a severe gag reflex, to simulate drowning.
WINTERBERRIESwinterberries n. Plural of winterberry.
WINTERBERRY n. a name given to several shrubs of the genus Ilex, growing in the eastern parts of North America.
WINTERBOURNESwinterbournes n. Plural of winterbourne.
WINTERBOURNE n. an intermittent spring of water.
WATERBOARDINGSwaterboardings n. Plural of waterboarding.
WATERBOARDING n. a form of torture in which the victim is immobilized and has water poured on his or her face, producing a severe gag reflex, to simulate drowning.
WARRANTABLENESSwarrantableness n. The quality of being warrantable.
WARRANTABLENESS n. the state of being warrantable.
WEATHERBOARDINGweatherboarding n. (Architecture) A type of wooden siding in which a house is sided with long, thin, overlapping boards.
WEATHERBOARD v. to fit such a board.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 406 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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