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There are 18 words containing B, E, K, 3O and S

BOOKLORESBOOKLORE n. book learning.
BOOKLOUSEbooklouse n. Any of the small insects who feed on bookbindings, especially those of the order Psocoptera.
BOOKLOUSE n. an insect that eats books.
BOOKSTOREbookstore n. A store where books are bought and sold.
book␣store n. Alternative spelling of bookstore.
BOOKSTORE n. a bookshop.
CODEBOOKScodebooks n. Plural of codebook.
CODEBOOK n. a book containing code words and symbols.
NOTEBOOKSnotebooks n. Plural of notebook.
note␣books n. Plural of note book.
NOTEBOOK n. a book in which to write.
OVERBOOKSoverbooks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overbook.
OVERBOOK v. to book in excess of space available.
BOOKSTORESbookstores n. Plural of bookstore.
book␣stores n. Plural of book store.
BOOKSTORE n. a bookshop.
COURSEBOOKcoursebook n. A textbook, a book designed to accompany a specific academic course, or one specified by the writers…
COURSEBOOK n. a book used on an educational course.
SOURCEBOOKsourcebook n. A book consisting of a collection of writings on a particular subject.
sourcebook n. (Video games) A publication intended to supplement the core materials of a roleplaying game.
SOURCEBOOK n. a book of original documents for (esp. historic) study.
BOOKMOBILESbookmobiles n. Plural of bookmobile.
BOOKMOBILE n. (US) a truck that serves as a travelling library.
COURSEBOOKScoursebooks n. Plural of coursebook.
COURSEBOOK n. a book used on an educational course.
POCKETBOOKSpocketbooks n. Plural of pocketbook.
pocket-books n. Plural of pocket-book.
pocket␣books n. Plural of pocket book.
SOURCEBOOKSsourcebooks n. Plural of sourcebook.
SOURCEBOOK n. a book of original documents for (esp. historic) study.
SUBNOTEBOOKsubnotebook n. (Computing) A small, lightweight laptop computer, smaller than a notebook computer.
OVERBOOKINGSoverbookings n. Plural of overbooking.
OVERBOOKING n. the act of booking more than necessary.
SUBNOTEBOOKSsubnotebooks n. Plural of subnotebook.
GOBBLEDEGOOKSgobbledegooks n. Plural of gobbledegook.
GOBBLEDEGOOK n. unintelligible official jargon, also GOBBLEDYGOOK.
GOBBLEDYGOOKSgobbledygooks n. Plural of gobbledygook.
GOBBLEDYGOOK n. unintelligible official jargon, also GOBBLEDEGOOK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 334 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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