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There are 10 words containing B, 2E, 3O and T

GERONTOPHOBEgerontophobe n. One who has gerontophobia.
GERONTOPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of old age.
GERONTOPHOBESgerontophobes n. Plural of gerontophobe.
GERONTOPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of old age.
BIOMETEOROLOGYbiometeorology n. The study of the relationship between atmospheric conditions (the weather) and living organisms.
BIOMETEOROLOGY n. the study of how the weather affects people.
ELECTROBIOLOGYelectrobiology n. (Physics, biology) The study of the production and use of electricity by biological organisms.
electrobiology n. (Obsolete) A theory of animal magnetism according to which the actions, feelings, etc. of a person are…
ELECTROBIOLOGY n. the science of the electrical phenomena in living organisms.
ETHNOBIOLOGIESETHNOBIOLOGY n. the branch of biology involving the study of the traditional uses of plants and animals in various human societies.
TROUBLESHOOTERtroubleshooter n. A person skilled at locating the causes of problems and rectifying them.
troubleshooter n. (Computing) A software program or routine that attempts to diagnose a problem with the system.
TROUBLESHOOTER n. a skilled worker employed to locate trouble and make repairs in machinery and technical equipment.
BIOTECHNOLOGIESbiotechnologies n. Plural of biotechnology.
BIOTECHNOLOGY n. the utilisation of living organisms in industry.
OVERELABORATIONoverelaboration n. Excessive elaboration; going into too much detail.
OVERELABORATION n. excessive elaboration.
TROUBLESHOOTERStroubleshooters n. Plural of troubleshooter.
TROUBLESHOOTER n. a skilled worker employed to locate trouble and make repairs in machinery and technical equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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