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There are 13 words containing B, 3E, K, P and R

BARKEEPERbarkeeper n. A bartender: a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar.
bar-keeper n. Alternative spelling of barkeeper.
BARKEEPER n. a bartender.
BEEKEEPERbeekeeper n. A person who maintains hives and keeps bees, especially for the production of honey.
BEEKEEPER n. one who keeps bees.
BOXKEEPERboxkeeper n. (Now historical) A theatre attendant in charge of the boxes.
BOXKEEPER n. an attendant at a theatre who has charge of the boxes.
BARKEEPERSbarkeepers n. Plural of barkeeper.
bar-keepers n. Plural of bar-keeper.
BARKEEPER n. a bartender.
BEEKEEPERSbeekeepers n. Plural of beekeeper.
BEEKEEPER n. one who keeps bees.
BOOKKEEPERbookkeeper n. (Accounting) A person responsible for keeping records or documents, such as of a business.
bookkeeper n. A bookseller.
book-keeper n. Alternative spelling of bookkeeper.
BOXKEEPERSboxkeepers n. Plural of boxkeeper.
BOXKEEPER n. an attendant at a theatre who has charge of the boxes.
BACKSPEEREDBACKSPEER v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEIR.
BOOKKEEPERSbookkeepers n. Plural of bookkeeper.
book-keepers n. Plural of book-keeper.
BOOKKEEPER n. a person responsible for keeping the accounts of a trader, public office, etc.
POKEBERRIESpokeberries n. Plural of pokeberry.
POKEBERRY n. an American plant, a species of Phytolacca.
DOUBLESPEAKERdoublespeaker n. One who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKERSdoublespeakers n. Plural of doublespeaker.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
SPARKLEBERRIESsparkleberries n. Plural of sparkleberry.
SPARKLEBERRY n. a shrub or small tree bearing black berries, native to southern parts of North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 201 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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