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There are 14 words containing B, D, 3S and 2U

DUBIOUSNESSdubiousness n. The state of being dubious.
DUBIOUSNESS n. the state of being dubious.
FUSSBUDGETSfussbudgets n. Plural of fussbudget.
fuss-budgets n. Plural of fuss-budget.
FUSSBUDGET n. (US) one who is fussy about unimportant things.
SUBDUEDNESSsubduedness n. The quality of being subdued.
SUBDUEDNESS n. the state of being subdued.
UNSUBSIDISEDunsubsidised adj. Alternative spelling of unsubsidized.
UNSUBSIDISED adj. not subsidised, also UNSUBSIDIZED.
BLUNDERBUSSESblunderbusses n. Plural of blunderbuss.
BLUNDERBUSS n. an old-fashioned gun.
DUBIOUSNESSESdubiousnesses n. Plural of dubiousness.
DUBIOUSNESS n. the state of being dubious.
HOUSEHUSBANDShousehusbands n. Plural of househusband.
house␣husbands n. Plural of house husband.
HOUSEHUSBAND n. a husband who does housekeeping usually while his wife earns the family income.
SUBDUEDNESSESSUBDUEDNESS n. the state of being subdued.
SUBINDUSTRIESsubindustries n. Plural of subindustry.
SUBINDUSTRY n. a subordinate industry.
UNDISCUSSABLEundiscussable adj. Not discussable; that cannot be discussed.
UNDISCUSSABLE adj. that cannot be discussed, also UNDISCUSSIBLE.
UNDISCUSSIBLEundiscussible adj. Alternative form of undiscussable.
UNDISCUSSIBLE adj. that cannot be discussed, also UNDISCUSSABLE.
DOUBTFULNESSESdoubtfulnesses n. Plural of doubtfulness.
DOUBTFULNESS n. the state of being doubtful.
FUSSBUDGETIESTFUSSBUDGETY adj. like a fussbudget, a person who fusses about unimportant things.
UNBOUNDEDNESSESUNBOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being unbounded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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