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There are 20 words containing B, D, E, K, O, S and U

BACKGROUNDERSbackgrounders n. Plural of backgrounder.
BACKGROUNDER n. an off the record briefing for reporters.
BLOCKBUSTEDBLOCKBUST v. to bring about the sale of property in an area by stirring up fears of racial change.
BLOODSUCKERbloodsucker n. An animal that drinks the blood of others, especially by sucking blood through a puncture wound; a hemovore.
bloodsucker n. (By extension) Any parasite.
bloodsucker n. (By extension) One who attempts to take as much from others as possible; a leech.
BLOODSUCKERSbloodsuckers n. Plural of bloodsucker.
blood-suckers n. Plural of blood-sucker (alternative spelling of bloodsuckers).
BLOODSUCKER n. an animal that sucks blood.
BUCKETLOADSbucketloads n. Plural of bucketload.
BUTTERDOCKSBUTTERDOCK n. a wild plant, butterbur.
DESKBOUNDdeskbound adj. (Of an employee) Whose work confines him or her to a desk.
DESKBOUND adj. confined to a desk (e.g. of someone doing paperwork and administration rather than active or practical work).
DOUBLESPEAKdoublespeak n. Any language deliberately constructed to disguise or distort its actual meaning, often by employing…
DOUBLESPEAK n. language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.
DOUBLESPEAKERdoublespeaker n. One who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKERSdoublespeakers n. Plural of doublespeaker.
DOUBLESPEAKER n. one who engages in doublespeak.
DOUBLESPEAKSDOUBLESPEAK n. language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.
DOUBLETHINKSdoublethinks n. Plural of doublethink.
DOUBLETHINK n. thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, esp. when used as a technique of self-indoctrination.
DUIKERBOKSduikerboks n. Plural of duikerbok.
DUIKERBOK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also DUIKER, DUYKER.
GROUNDBREAKERSgroundbreakers n. Plural of groundbreaker.
GROUNDBREAKER n. one that innovates.
GROUNDBREAKINGSgroundbreakings n. Plural of groundbreaking.
GROUNDBREAKING n. the breaking of ground at the beginning of a construction project.
GUIDEBOOKSguidebooks n. Plural of guidebook.
guide␣books n. Plural of guide book.
GUIDEBOOK n. a book of information for tourists.
KOURBASHEDkourbashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of kourbash.
KOURBASH v. (Arabic) to whip with a hide whip, also KURBASH.
NEUROFEEDBACKSNEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.
STRIKEBOUNDstrikebound adj. Not operating normally because of strike action.
STRIKEBOUND adj. subjected to a strike.
SUBNETWORKEDSUBNETWORK v. to use a subnetwork.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 276 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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