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There are 18 words containing B, D, 2E, N, U and Y

UNOBEYEDunobeyed adj. Not obeyed.
UNOBEYED adj. not obeyed.
DECUMBENCYdecumbency n. Decumbence.
DECUMBENCY n. the act or posture of lying down, also DECUMBENCE.
SUBDEANERYsubdeanery n. The office or rank of subdean.
SUBDEANERY n. the office or rank of subdean.
UNBETRAYEDunbetrayed adj. Not betrayed.
unbetrayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbetray.
UNBETRAYED adj. not betrayed.
UNDERBELLYunderbelly n. The underside of an animal.
underbelly n. The underside of any thing.
underbelly n. (Figuratively) The side which is not normally seen, normally a dark, immoral place.
DECUMBENTLYdecumbently adv. In a decumbent posture.
DECUMBENT adv. lying down; reclining on the ground.
DENUMERABLYdenumerably adv. In a denumerable manner.
DENUMERABLE adv. that can be enumerated.
UNDEPENDABLYundependably adv. In an undependable manner; such that it cannot be relied upon.
UNDETECTABLYundetectably adv. In an undetectable way.
UNOBSERVEDLYunobservedly adv. In a way that is unobserved.
UNOBSERVED adv. not observed.
POLYBUTADIENEpolybutadiene n. (Organic chemistry) A polymer of butadiene, used to make synthetic rubber.
POLYBUTADIENE n. a synthetic rubber that has a high resistance to wear and is used esp. in the manufacture of tires.
DENUMERABILITYdenumerability n. (Mathematics) The property of being denumerable.
DENUMERABILITY n. the state of being denumerable.
HEBETUDINOSITYhebetudinosity n. The quality of being hebetudinous.
HEBETUDINOSITY n. the state of being hebetudinous, dull or lethargic.
POLYBUTADIENESpolybutadienes n. Plural of polybutadiene.
POLYBUTADIENE n. a synthetic rubber that has a high resistance to wear and is used esp. in the manufacture of tires.
UNDECIPHERABLYundecipherably adv. In an undecipherable manner.
UNDETERMINABLYSorry, definition not available.
FERROMOLYBDENUMferromolybdenum n. An iron-molybdenum alloy.
FERROMOLYBDENUM n. an alloy of iron with molybdenum.
UNDEPENDABILITYundependability n. The quality of being undependable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 414 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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