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There are 18 words containing B, C, 2M, O, S and T

COMBRETUMScombretums n. Plural of combretum.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
BIOMIMETICSbiomimetics n. The study of the structure and function of living things as models for the creation of materials or…
BIOMIMETICS n. the science of deriving useful structures and processes from the study of natural parallels e.g. Velcro from plant burrs.
METABOLOMICSmetabolomics n. (Biochemistry) The study of the range of metabolites present in a person’s body at normal times, and…
METABOLOMICS n. the study of the range of metabolites present in a person's body at normal times, and when suffering from specific diseases.
NOCTAMBULISMnoctambulism n. (Rare) sleepwalking.
NOCTAMBULISM n. somnambulism.
SUBCOMMITTEEsubcommittee n. A committee formed by an existing committee, comprising a subset of its members.
SUBCOMMITTEE n. a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose.
SUBCOMMUNITYsubcommunity n. A community that exists as part of a larger community.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
COULOMBMETERScoulombmeters n. Plural of coulombmeter.
COULOMBMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of a substance released in electrolysis, also COULOMETER.
CYTOMEMBRANEScytomembranes n. Plural of cytomembrane.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
EMBOLECTOMIESembolectomies n. Plural of embolectomy.
EMBOLECTOMY n. the surgical removal of an embolism.
EMBRYECTOMIESembryectomies n. Plural of embryectomy.
EMBRYECTOMY n. the surgical removal of an embryo.
SUBCOMMITTEESsubcommittees n. Plural of subcommittee.
SUBCOMMITTEE n. a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose.
TIMBROMANIACStimbromaniacs n. Plural of timbromaniac.
TIMBROMANIAC n. an avid stamp collector.
BIOMATHEMATICSbiomathematics n. (Biology, mathematics) The application of mathematics to the study of biological systems and processes.
BIOMATHEMATICS n. mathematics as applied to the biological sciences.
COMMUTABLENESScommutableness n. The quality of being commutable or interchangeable.
COMMUTABLENESS n. the state of being commutable.
SOMNAMBULISTICsomnambulistic adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a somnambulist.
SOMNAMBULISTIC adj. relating to somnambulism.
SUBCOMMUNITIESsubcommunities n. Plural of subcommunity.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
COMMUTABILITIEScommutabilities n. Plural of commutability.
COMMUTABILITY n. the quality of being commutable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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