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There are 17 words containing B, C, G, 2I, M and T

BIOACCUMULATINGbioaccumulating v. Present participle of bioaccumulate.
BIOACCUMULATE v. to accumulate in a biological system over time.
BIOCLIMATOLOGYbioclimatology n. The interdisciplinary field of science that studies the interactions between the biosphere and the Earth’s…
BIOCLIMATOLOGY n. the study of the effect of weather and climate on plants, animals and man.
BIOCOMPUTINGbiocomputing n. (Computing) The design and construction of computers containing biological components.
biocomputing n. (Computing) The application of computing to the biological sciences; bioinformatics.
BIOCOMPUTING n. the application of computers to problems in biology and biochemistry.
BIOCOMPUTINGSBIOCOMPUTING n. the application of computers to problems in biology and biochemistry.
BIOGEOCHEMISTRYbiogeochemistry n. (Biology, geology, chemistry, ecology) The scientific study of biological, geological and chemical processes…
BIOGEOCHEMISTRY n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIOMAGNETICSBIOMAGNETICS n. a type of magnetic therapy in which small magnets are placed on acupuncture points.
BLACKSMITHINGblacksmithing v. Present participle of blacksmith.
blacksmithing n. The business of a blacksmith.
BLACKSMITHING n. the occupation of blacksmith.
BLACKSMITHINGSBLACKSMITHING n. the occupation of blacksmith.
CABINETMAKINGcabinetmaking n. The art of the cabinetmaker.
cabinet␣making n. Alternative spelling of cabinetmaking.
CABINETMAKING n. the craft of the cabinetmaker.
CABINETMAKINGSCABINETMAKING n. the craft of the cabinetmaker.
IMBRICATINGimbricating v. Present participle of imbricate.
IMBRICATE v. to lay overlapping one another.
MICROBIOLOGISTmicrobiologist n. A scientist whose speciality is microbiology.
MICROBIOLOGIST n. one who studies microbiology.
MICROBIOLOGISTSmicrobiologists n. Plural of microbiologist.
MICROBIOLOGIST n. one who studies microbiology.
MISTRANSCRIBINGmistranscribing v. Present participle of mistranscribe.
MISTRANSCRIBE v. to transcribe wrongly.
OUTCLIMBINGoutclimbing v. Present participle of outclimb.
OUTCLIMB v. to surpass in climbing.
SCAMBAITINGscambaiting n. (Internet) The practice of posing as a potential victim of a scam, usually the Nigerian scam, in order…
SCAMBAITING n. the practice of pretending to fall for online scams in order to waste the time of the perpetrators.
SCAMBAITINGSSCAMBAITING n. the practice of pretending to fall for online scams in order to waste the time of the perpetrators.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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