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There are 19 words containing B, C, E, 2K, S and T

BACKSTROKEbackstroke n. A backhanded stroke or blow.
backstroke n. (Swimming) A stroke swum lying on one’s back, while rotating both arms through the water as to propel…
backstroke n. (Bellringing) The pull on the tail of the rope that swings the bell through a full circle (compare handstroke).
SKETCHBOOKsketchbook n. A book or pad with blank pages for sketching; a sketch pad.
sketchbook n. A book of printed sketches.
sketchbook n. (Dated) A printed book of literary sketches or skits.
STICKYBEAKstickybeak n. (Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) An overly inquisitive person, a nosey parker.
stickybeak n. (Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) An act of looking at or watching something, especially something…
stickybeak v. (Australia, New Zealand) To pry or snoop.
BACKSTROKEDbackstroked v. Simple past tense and past participle of backstroke.
BACKSTROKE v. to swim on the back.
BACKSTROKERbackstroker n. A swimmer who uses the style backstroke.
BACKSTROKESbackstrokes n. Plural of backstroke.
backstrokes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backstroke.
BACKSTROKE v. to swim on the back.
POCKETBIKESpocket␣bikes n. Plural of pocket bike.
POCKETBIKE n. a type of small bicycle.
POCKETBOOKSpocketbooks n. Plural of pocketbook.
pocket-books n. Plural of pocket-book.
pocket␣books n. Plural of pocket book.
SKETCHBOOKSsketchbooks n. Plural of sketchbook.
sketch␣books n. Plural of sketch book.
SKETCHBOOK n. a book of or for sketches.
STICKLEBACKstickleback n. Any one of numerous species of small fish of the family Gasterosteidae. The back is armed with two or…
STICKLEBACK n. a freshwater fish with a spiny back.
STICKYBEAKSstickybeaks n. Plural of stickybeak.
stickybeaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stickybeak.
sticky-beaks n. Plural of sticky-beak.
STOCKBROKERstockbroker n. (Finance) A person who buys and sells shares (stock) on a stock exchange on behalf of clients. May also…
STOCKBROKER n. a broker who executes orders to buy and sell securities and often also acts as a security dealer.
BACKSTROKERSbackstrokers n. Plural of backstroker.
STICKLEBACKSsticklebacks n. Plural of stickleback.
STICKLEBACK n. a freshwater fish with a spiny back.
STICKYBEAKEDstickybeaked v. Simple past tense and past participle of stickybeak.
STICKYBEAK v. to pry.
STOCKBROKERSstockbrokers n. Plural of stockbroker.
STOCKBROKER n. a broker who executes orders to buy and sell securities and often also acts as a security dealer.
STICKYBEAKINGstickybeaking v. Present participle of stickybeak.
STICKYBEAK v. to pry.
STOCKBROKERAGEstockbrokerage n. Stockbroking.
STOCKBROKERAGE n. the activities of a stockbroker.
STOCKBROKERAGESstockbrokerages n. Plural of stockbrokerage.
STOCKBROKERAGE n. the activities of a stockbroker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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