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There are 19 words containing B, C, E, H, K, O and R

AHORSEBACKahorseback adv. On the back of a horse; horseback.
a-horseback adv. Alternative form of ahorseback.
AHORSEBACK adv. (archaic) on horseback, also AHORSE.
BACKSHOREbackshore n. (Geology) An upper shore zone above high-tide.
BACKSHORE n. an area of beach.
BACKSHORESbackshores n. Plural of backshore.
BACKSHORE n. an area of beach.
BIOHACKERbiohacker n. (Informal) A person that engages in biohacking.
BIOHACKER n. one who engages in biohacking.
BIOHACKERSbiohackers n. Plural of biohacker.
BIOHACKER n. one who engages in biohacking.
BREECHBLOCKbreechblock n. (Firearms) The metal block that closes the breech of a breech-loading gun after insertion of the cartridge.
BREECHBLOCK n. part of a gun.
BREECHBLOCKSbreechblocks n. Plural of breechblock.
BREECHBLOCK n. part of a gun.
CHECKERBLOOMcheckerbloom n. Any of the flowering plants in the genus Sidalcea.
CHECKERBLOOM n. a Californian malvaceous plant with pink or purple flowers.
CHECKERBLOOMScheckerblooms n. Plural of checkerbloom.
CHECKERBLOOM n. a Californian malvaceous plant with pink or purple flowers.
CHECKERBOARDcheckerboard n. A pattern of squares of alternating colours.
checkerboard n. A board, usually square, covered with such a pattern; especially such a board with 8×8 squares, used…
checkerboard n. (Film) A style of negative cutting that avoids visible splice marks.
CHECKERBOARDScheckerboards n. Plural of checkerboard.
CHECKERBOARD n. a board used in various games (as checkers) with usually 64 squares in 2 alternating colors.
CHOKEBERRIESchokeberries n. Plural of chokeberry.
CHOKEBERRY n. a small astringent fruit of various North American shrubs related to the apple.
CHOKEBERRYchokeberry n. Either of two species in Aronia, formerly and sometimes in Photinia, deciduous shrubs, native to Russia…
chokeberry n. The fruit of such a shrub.
CHOKEBERRY n. a small astringent fruit of various North American shrubs related to the apple.
CHOKEBOREchokebore n. In a shotgun, a bore which is tapered to a slightly smaller diameter at a short distance to the rear…
chokebore n. A shotgun that is made with such a bore.
chokebore v. (Transitive) To provide (a gun) with a chokebore.
CHOKEBORESchokebores n. Plural of chokebore.
chokebores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chokebore.
CHOKEBORE n. a gun that narrows toward the muzzle.
HORSEBACKhorseback n. (Usually with on, upon, etc.) The back of a horse.
horseback n. (Countable) A ridge of sand, gravel, and boulders.
horseback adv. On the back of a horse.
HORSEBACKShorsebacks n. Plural of horseback.
HORSEBACK n. the back of a horse.
WORKBENCHworkbench n. A sturdy bench or table at which manual work is done by a carpenter, machinist, etc.
WORKBENCH n. a bench, often purpose-built, at which a craftsman, mechanic, etc. works.
WORKBENCHESworkbenches n. Plural of workbench.
WORKBENCH n. a bench, often purpose-built, at which a craftsman, mechanic, etc. works.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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