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There are 17 words containing B, C, E, F, N and 2S

CONFESSABLEconfessable adj. That can be confessed.
CONFESSABLE adj. that can be confessed.
CONFUSABLESconfusables n. Plural of confusable.
CONFUSABLE n. something liable to be confused, also CONFUSIBLE.
CONFUSIBLESCONFUSIBLE n. something liable to be confused.
BENEFACTRESSbenefactress n. A female benefactor.
BENEFACTRESS n. a female benefactor.
FORCIBLENESSforcibleness n. The quality of being forcible.
FORCIBLENESS n. the state of being forcible.
BAREFACEDNESSbarefacedness n. The state or quality of being barefaced.
BAREFACEDNESS n. the state of being barefaced.
SORBEFACIENTSsorbefacients n. Plural of sorbefacient.
SORBEFACIENT n. a substance promoting absorption.
SUBREFERENCESSUBREFERENCE n. an incomplete or surreptitious reference.
BENEFACTRESSESbenefactresses n. Plural of benefactress.
BENEFACTRESS n. a female benefactor.
BENEFICIALNESSbeneficialness n. The state or quality of being beneficial.
BENEFICIALNESS n. the state of being beneficial.
FORCIBLENESSESFORCIBLENESS n. the state of being forcible.
UNCLASSIFIABLEunclassifiable adj. Incapable of being classified.
UNCLASSIFIABLE adj. not classifiable.
ABSORBEFACIENTSabsorbefacients n. Plural of absorbefacient.
ABSORBEFACIENT n. an agent causing or promoting absorption.
BAREFACEDNESSESBAREFACEDNESS n. the state of being barefaced.
COMFORTABLENESScomfortableness n. Comfort: the quality or state of being comfortable.
COMFORTABLENESS n. the state of being comfortable.
CONFORMABLENESSconformableness n. The state or quality of being conformable.
CONFORMABLE n. compliant.
CONFUSABILITIESCONFUSABILITY n. the quality of being confusable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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