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There are 19 words containing B, C, 2E, I, R and X

BOXERCISEboxercise n. A form of physical workout, combining boxing with aerobic exercise.
BOXERCISE n. exercise via boxing.
BOXERCISESBOXERCISE n. exercise via boxing.
EXACERBATINGexacerbating v. Present participle of exacerbate.
exacerbating adj. That exacerbates.
EXACERBATE v. to make more violent, bitter, or severe.
EXACERBATIONexacerbation n. An increase in the severity of something (such as a disease).
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXACERBATIONSexacerbations n. Plural of exacerbation.
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXCERPTIBLEexcerptible adj. Able to be excerpted.
EXCERPTIBLE adj. that can be excerpted.
EXERCISABLEexercisable adj. Capable of being exercised.
EXERCISABLE adj. that can be exercised.
EXORBITANCEexorbitance n. The state or characteristic of being exorbitant.
exorbitance n. A large excess.
EXORBITANCE n. an exorbitant action or procedure, also EXORBITANCY.
EXORBITANCESexorbitances n. Plural of exorbitance.
EXORBITANCE n. an exorbitant action or procedure, also EXORBITANCY.
EXORBITANCIESexorbitancies n. Plural of exorbitancy.
EXORBITANCY n. the state of being exorbitant, also EXORBITANCE.
EXPERIENCEABLEexperienceable adj. Capable of being experienced.
EXPERIENCEABLE adj. that can be experienced.
EXTRACTIBLEextractible adj. Alternative spelling of extractable.
EXTRACTIBLE adj. that can be extracted, also EXTRACTABLE.
EXTRAEMBRYONICextraembryonic adj. (Medicine) Inside the womb, but outside the embryo.
EXTRAEMBRYONIC adj. situated outside the embryo.
EXTRICABLEextricable adj. Able to be extricated.
EXTRICABLE adj. capable of being extricated.
EXUBERANCIESexuberancies n. Plural of exuberancy.
EXUBERANCY n. the state of being exuberant, also EXUBERANCE.
HYPEREXCITABLEhyperexcitable adj. Unusually or excessively excitable.
HYPEREXCITABLE adj. excessively excitable.
INEXECRABLEinexecrable adj. (Obsolete) That cannot be execrated enough.
INEXECRABLE adj. (Shakespeare) perhaps a misprint for inexorable, though interpreted by some as an intensive form of execrable.
INEXTRICABLEinextricable adj. (Of a knot etc) Impossible to untie or disentangle.
inextricable adj. (Of a problem) Impossible to solve.
inextricable adj. (Of a maze etc) Impossible to escape from.
OVEREXCITABLEoverexcitable adj. Excessively excitable.
OVEREXCITABLE adj. excessively excitable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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